Change name for confirmation emails shop

Change name for confirmation emails shop

14 0 2

Dear Shopify community,


I turn to you as I've not been able to find an answer myself or in other discussions/topics. 


I am facing an issue with the emails that are shared to customers after ordering. The ''from'' name is displaying an incorrect name. 


This is how the email is received as the ''from'' name: 


The correct name should be here\\\now:



I've done some research and as far as I know the store name is the only place that could/should impact the ''from'' sender name on confirmation emails. However, as you can see it is not yet set correctly. 

I've also learned that the ''from'' sender could be cached in your email so I've tested this by sending test emails to multiple new accounts and they all show as here\now which is incorrect. 

From a brand consistency and credibility perspective I would really like to fix this. Any help to get this right is really appreciated.


Thanks in advance!




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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Hi @HereNowOwner the setting is probably removing the excess backslashes to either escape them or conform with the url format for consistency.

I doubt you can change that behavior but making a complaint feature request directly to a support advisor couldn't hurt.

In the meantime try working around it just using spaces  here\ \ \now, or looking for utf8 characters that look like backslashes but aren't , or  invisible characters, the system lets you input and shows in email; just be careful of creating text that is unusable by consumers.

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