Change "Buy with Shop Pay" to regular "Buy Now" button.

Change "Buy with Shop Pay" to regular "Buy Now" button.

51 5 6

Hi All.

I need to get rid of the "Buy with Shop Pay" button and replace with the regular "Buy Now"

I'm going to continue to have Shop Pay as an option during checkout, but want the "Buy Now" to simply go to the Checkout.  

I've seen some info on adding some code to a Button.liquid folder but don't know the code or exact file?  

thanks for your help.

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💣  This is a footgun  🦶🔫.

Be careful mucking about with dynamic checkout buttons for literally the most sensitive button on your website that makes you money.
If your here then you are not understanding what those buttons are actually doing and will likely harm your business through ignorance.

Watch analytics carefully or even better AB test such changes as indirect button clicks. You have been warned.


@deakon  Read the friendly manual 

It's literally meant to do that as a preferred payment method personalized PER CUSTOMER.

i.e. what you see as your own customer is not what other customers may see.


If your doing to ignore and override behavior  at least make the effort of searching 


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51 5 6

I know it's been done.   

somebody knows how to do it, i'm not looking to get rid of the "other payment options"  which i think are dynamic.  

just change the "buy with shop pay" to standard "buy now" taking you to the checkout.  it's doable.