Changing Button Position on Video Background


Changing Button Position on Video Background

2 0 0



I'm trying to move a button on a video background. It is currently centered, but I would like to lower it to the bottom of the video. 


Here is the link to the code for the video background:


Does anyone know the specific code to use to modify the button position? Thank you!

Accepted Solution (1)

202 20 25

This is an accepted solution.

use the updated code as i wrote below

{%- if section.blocks.size > 0 -%}
	{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
		{%- assign img_url = block.settings.image | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%}

		{% if block.type == 'video' %}
			<div class="videoBox" style="{%- if block.settings.video_link == blank -%}background-image: url('{{ block.settings.video_image  | img_url: 'master' }}');{%- endif -%}">

				{%- if block.settings.video_link != blank -%}
					<div class="fullscreen-video-wrap">
						<video class="video-js" loop autoplay preload="none" muted playsinline
						poster="https:{{ block.settings.video_image | img_url: 'master' }}">
							<source src="{{ block.settings.video_link }}" type="video/mp4">
				{% endif %}

				<div class="overlay" style="opacity: 0.{{ block.settings.overlay_opacity }}"></div>
				<div class="videoBoxInfo">
					{% if block.settings.title != blank %}
						<h1 class="videoBoxInfoTitle" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
							{{ block.settings.title | escape }}
					{% endif %}

					{%- style -%}
						.videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription p {
							color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}!important;
					{%- endstyle -%}

					{% if block.settings.text != blank %}
						<div class="imageBoxInfoDescription" id="{{ }}" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
							{{ block.settings.text }}
					{% endif %}

					{% if block.settings.button_link != blank and block.settings.button_label != blank %}
						<a href="{{ block.settings.button_link }}" class="videoBoxInfoBtn" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_btn_text }}; background: {{ block.settings.color_btn_bg }}">
							{{ block.settings.button_label | escape }}
					{% endif %}
			{% else %}
				<div class="imageBox" style="background-color: {{ block.settings.color_bg }}; {%- if block.settings.image_bg != blank -%}background-image: url('{{ block.settings.image_bg | img_url: 'master' }}');{%- endif -%}">

					<div class="overlay" style="opacity: 0.{{ block.settings.overlay_opacity }}"></div>

					<div class="imageBoxInfo">
						{% if block.settings.title != blank %}
							<h1 class="imageBoxInfoTitle" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
								{{ block.settings.title | escape }}
						{% endif %}

						{%- style -%}
							.videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription p {
								color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}!important;
						{%- endstyle -%}

						{% if block.settings.text != blank %}
							<div class="imageBoxInfoDescription" id="{{ }}" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
								{{ block.settings.text }}
						{% endif %}

						{% if block.settings.button_link != blank and block.settings.button_label != blank %}
							<a href="{{ block.settings.button_link }}" class="imageBoxInfoBtn" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_btn_text }}; background: {{ block.settings.color_btn_bg }}">
								{{ block.settings.button_label | escape }}
						{% endif %}
		{% endif %}
	{%- endfor -%}

{% else %}
	 <div class="placeholderNoblocks">
      	This section doesn’t currently include any content. Add content to this section using the sidebar.
{%- endif -%}

	body.template-index .main-content .videoBackground {
		margin-top: -55px;
	.videoBackground {
		position: relative;
	.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap {
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		min-width: 100%;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		overflow: hidden;
	.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap .video-js {
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		min-height: 100%;
		min-width: 100%;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		object-fit: cover;
	.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap video {
		min-height: 100%;
		min-width: 100%;
		object-fit: cover;
	.videoBackground .videoBox {
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: flex-end;
		flex-direction: column;
		padding: 100px 20px 80px;
		background-size: cover;
		background-position: center;
		background-repeat: no-repeat;
		min-height: 500px;
      	max-height: 800px;
        height: calc(100vh - 165px);
		position: relative;
	.videoBackground .imageBox {
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: flex-end;
		flex-direction: column;
		padding: 100px 20px 80px;
		background-size: cover;
		background-position: center;
		background-repeat: no-repeat;
		position: relative;
		min-height: calc(100vh - 165px);
		height: auto;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfo, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfo {
		z-index: 2;
		text-align: center;
	.videoBackground .overlay {
		content: "";
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		right: 0;
		bottom: 0;
		left: 0;
		background: #000;
		z-index: 1;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoBtn, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoBtn {
		-moz-user-select: none;
		-ms-user-select: none;
		-webkit-user-select: none;
		user-select: none;
		-webkit-appearance: none;
		-moz-appearance: none;
		appearance: none;
		display: inline-block;
		width: auto;
		text-decoration: none;
		text-align: center;
		vertical-align: middle;
		cursor: pointer;
		border: 1px solid transparent;
		border-radius: 2px;
		padding: 8px 15px;
		font-style: normal;
		font-weight: 800;
		text-transform: uppercase;
		letter-spacing: 0.06em;
		white-space: normal;
		font-size: 14px;
		margin-top: 20px;
		position: absolute;
		bottom: 20px; /* Adjust this value to move the button higher or lower */
		left: 50%;
		transform: translateX(-50%);
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoTitle, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoTitle {
		color: #FFF;
		font-size: 30px;
		line-height: 40px;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoDescription, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription {
		max-width: 500px;
		margin: 0 auto;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoDescription p, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription p {
		font-size: 18px;
		line-height: 28px;
	.videoBackground .placeholderNoblocks {
		text-align: center;
		max-width: 500px;
		margin: 0 auto;
    @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
		body.template-index .main-content .videoBackground {
			margin-top: -35px;
		.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap {
			z-index: 3;
		.videoBackground .videoBox {
          	min-height: 500px;
          	height: 100%;
          	position: relative;
			padding: 0;
		.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap {
			position: relative;
			min-height: 300px;
		.videoBackground .videoBoxInfo {
			padding: 40px 20px;
    		background: #000;
			width: 100%;
		.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoBtn, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoBtn {
			bottom: 40px; /* Adjust this value to move the button higher or lower on mobile */

Need a Shopify Expert and Specialist? Let's chat on WhatsApp and bring your vision to life!

Custom Shopify Store Design | Premium Themes | Variant Apps Expert

Your Coffee Tip and my code, a seamless synergy. ❤️

View solution in original post

Replies 2 (2)

202 20 25

This is an accepted solution.

use the updated code as i wrote below

{%- if section.blocks.size > 0 -%}
	{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
		{%- assign img_url = block.settings.image | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%}

		{% if block.type == 'video' %}
			<div class="videoBox" style="{%- if block.settings.video_link == blank -%}background-image: url('{{ block.settings.video_image  | img_url: 'master' }}');{%- endif -%}">

				{%- if block.settings.video_link != blank -%}
					<div class="fullscreen-video-wrap">
						<video class="video-js" loop autoplay preload="none" muted playsinline
						poster="https:{{ block.settings.video_image | img_url: 'master' }}">
							<source src="{{ block.settings.video_link }}" type="video/mp4">
				{% endif %}

				<div class="overlay" style="opacity: 0.{{ block.settings.overlay_opacity }}"></div>
				<div class="videoBoxInfo">
					{% if block.settings.title != blank %}
						<h1 class="videoBoxInfoTitle" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
							{{ block.settings.title | escape }}
					{% endif %}

					{%- style -%}
						.videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription p {
							color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}!important;
					{%- endstyle -%}

					{% if block.settings.text != blank %}
						<div class="imageBoxInfoDescription" id="{{ }}" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
							{{ block.settings.text }}
					{% endif %}

					{% if block.settings.button_link != blank and block.settings.button_label != blank %}
						<a href="{{ block.settings.button_link }}" class="videoBoxInfoBtn" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_btn_text }}; background: {{ block.settings.color_btn_bg }}">
							{{ block.settings.button_label | escape }}
					{% endif %}
			{% else %}
				<div class="imageBox" style="background-color: {{ block.settings.color_bg }}; {%- if block.settings.image_bg != blank -%}background-image: url('{{ block.settings.image_bg | img_url: 'master' }}');{%- endif -%}">

					<div class="overlay" style="opacity: 0.{{ block.settings.overlay_opacity }}"></div>

					<div class="imageBoxInfo">
						{% if block.settings.title != blank %}
							<h1 class="imageBoxInfoTitle" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
								{{ block.settings.title | escape }}
						{% endif %}

						{%- style -%}
							.videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription p {
								color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}!important;
						{%- endstyle -%}

						{% if block.settings.text != blank %}
							<div class="imageBoxInfoDescription" id="{{ }}" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_text }}">
								{{ block.settings.text }}
						{% endif %}

						{% if block.settings.button_link != blank and block.settings.button_label != blank %}
							<a href="{{ block.settings.button_link }}" class="imageBoxInfoBtn" style="color: {{ block.settings.color_btn_text }}; background: {{ block.settings.color_btn_bg }}">
								{{ block.settings.button_label | escape }}
						{% endif %}
		{% endif %}
	{%- endfor -%}

{% else %}
	 <div class="placeholderNoblocks">
      	This section doesn’t currently include any content. Add content to this section using the sidebar.
{%- endif -%}

	body.template-index .main-content .videoBackground {
		margin-top: -55px;
	.videoBackground {
		position: relative;
	.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap {
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		min-width: 100%;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		overflow: hidden;
	.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap .video-js {
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		min-height: 100%;
		min-width: 100%;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		object-fit: cover;
	.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap video {
		min-height: 100%;
		min-width: 100%;
		object-fit: cover;
	.videoBackground .videoBox {
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: flex-end;
		flex-direction: column;
		padding: 100px 20px 80px;
		background-size: cover;
		background-position: center;
		background-repeat: no-repeat;
		min-height: 500px;
      	max-height: 800px;
        height: calc(100vh - 165px);
		position: relative;
	.videoBackground .imageBox {
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: flex-end;
		flex-direction: column;
		padding: 100px 20px 80px;
		background-size: cover;
		background-position: center;
		background-repeat: no-repeat;
		position: relative;
		min-height: calc(100vh - 165px);
		height: auto;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfo, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfo {
		z-index: 2;
		text-align: center;
	.videoBackground .overlay {
		content: "";
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		right: 0;
		bottom: 0;
		left: 0;
		background: #000;
		z-index: 1;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoBtn, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoBtn {
		-moz-user-select: none;
		-ms-user-select: none;
		-webkit-user-select: none;
		user-select: none;
		-webkit-appearance: none;
		-moz-appearance: none;
		appearance: none;
		display: inline-block;
		width: auto;
		text-decoration: none;
		text-align: center;
		vertical-align: middle;
		cursor: pointer;
		border: 1px solid transparent;
		border-radius: 2px;
		padding: 8px 15px;
		font-style: normal;
		font-weight: 800;
		text-transform: uppercase;
		letter-spacing: 0.06em;
		white-space: normal;
		font-size: 14px;
		margin-top: 20px;
		position: absolute;
		bottom: 20px; /* Adjust this value to move the button higher or lower */
		left: 50%;
		transform: translateX(-50%);
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoTitle, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoTitle {
		color: #FFF;
		font-size: 30px;
		line-height: 40px;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoDescription, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription {
		max-width: 500px;
		margin: 0 auto;
	.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoDescription p, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoDescription p {
		font-size: 18px;
		line-height: 28px;
	.videoBackground .placeholderNoblocks {
		text-align: center;
		max-width: 500px;
		margin: 0 auto;
    @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
		body.template-index .main-content .videoBackground {
			margin-top: -35px;
		.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap {
			z-index: 3;
		.videoBackground .videoBox {
          	min-height: 500px;
          	height: 100%;
          	position: relative;
			padding: 0;
		.videoBackground .fullscreen-video-wrap {
			position: relative;
			min-height: 300px;
		.videoBackground .videoBoxInfo {
			padding: 40px 20px;
    		background: #000;
			width: 100%;
		.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoBtn, .videoBackground .imageBoxInfoBtn {
			bottom: 40px; /* Adjust this value to move the button higher or lower on mobile */

Need a Shopify Expert and Specialist? Let's chat on WhatsApp and bring your vision to life!

Custom Shopify Store Design | Premium Themes | Variant Apps Expert

Your Coffee Tip and my code, a seamless synergy. ❤️

2 0 0

Thank you so much!