Changing Product Names and Combining Details on Report

Changing Product Names and Combining Details on Report

4 0 1

When we originally started our store, we named our products. Some products have had their name/title updated since the store opened. I have noticed after changing the product name/title, it creates a new line item on our reports which makes it difficult to read/inventory. 


Is it possible to combine these products so it does not show 2 line items?



Old Title: 12" C9 SPT-1 Socket Wire

New Title: 12" C9 SPT-1 Socket Wire, Green


Both items are the exact same thing. Both are green. We just updated the 2nd title after bringing in a Black Wire option so customers can see the difference of the products in the titles.


Is it possible to merge those 2 items in our reports so they do not show as 2 line items?

Replies 2 (2)

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If you are using a consistent pattern to update all newly updated product titles, our custom reporting options can display newly created product Title in a single line. To confirm this, please install Report Pundit, and we will create a report tailored for you. Take advantage of our 14-day free trial to explore its features.

Report Pundit - Instant reports and custom dashboards

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Our Report Toaster app can help. We can consolidate all sales automatically under the current title. Please feel free to take a look and reach out to support if you need any help.