Coding Additional Scripts for Order Status Page, Chatgpt helped but not enough

Coding Additional Scripts for Order Status Page, Chatgpt helped but not enough

93 1 12

Hi! Chatgpt gave me this code for a problem I was having: <a href="" class="btn" style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom">Track Order On FreshPods</a>

This is a code for the order status page to add a button with a link to my own order status tracking page. I know there is a button to track with shop but I heard bad reviews about it so I wanted to add my store's own one to the status page as well. 


Though the button works and takes me to the correct link/page, it is located in a completely wrong spot. I want it to be situated to the right of the "Track order with shop" button. However, it is in the wrong spot. Can someone provide me a code to move the button into the correct spot for addition scripts under settings-->checkout. Also can you tell me where the positing code that you will give me goes in relation to the code that I mentioned earlier in the message? 


I will attach a google doc of some helpful pictures for you to see. Please take a look:



Here is the url to my store:


Thank you so much!

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
73 8 12

Hi @Jace2 

I think you need some scripts to locate the right position for the button.
you lost this part. 

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93 1 12

Yes, I know that but I don't know what those scripts to position the button are. Do you know? @JonasS 

Shopify Partner
73 8 12

You should find an expert to help you achieve the scripts

Cobo-Sf : Your needs, our speed – Together, we succeed!
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