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I am looking for some help regarding ordering my products in a collection. I want them to appear from newest to oldest. However, when I select that filtering in my collection within a few hours it has swapped back to being manual. Can anyone help me to stop this happening? Is it because some of my other collections are organised manually?



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
18 2 3

Hi @minty123,

It sounds like you're trying to create an automated collection sorted by date added, but it keeps reverting to manual. This usually occurs when there's a conflict with the sorting rules of your collections, usually from another app overriding your "Newest" sort. Do you have any other apps installed that can affect your collections - e.g., Power Tools Suite?

Also, double check that the sort order is correct is indeed "Newest". You can use this link to see your collections in bulk.

(Replace the "yourstore" with your store name in the Shopify admin.)

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Thank you for your reply! I have checked that the sort order is "Newest". It has changed back to manually again but only for some of my collections. I don't believe I have any apps that would effect the my collections. Would there be any other apps that could affect it?