Compare at price disappearing

Compare at price disappearing

3 0 0

Hello, I have encountered a problem. The compare at price feature works fine, but that's up until I customized my product prices for each market, I did not swap currency since I am not able to use shopify payments in me region but I did swap the prices. Once the fixed price was published the compare at price feature is being disabled for some reason. It was working fine up until I changed the prices and I can't just remove the custom prices for each market, because I need them to be different. So any ideas on how I can have fixed prices for each market but also the compare at price feature at the same time? I use theme Dawn

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124 10 23

hello @Johny06 

Can you please send me the Website URL.


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Shopify Partner
129 14 16

The compare at price shows for at least one of the products. Do you now for which products it's not working?



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3 0 0

It only shows for 1 product and its the one you are reffering to. It doesnt show up for any of the other products. As I said in the fisrt message it's happening because of the market fixed price. The reason why you can see the compare at price in the product you were reffering to is beacause I haven't set a fixed price for it. 

Shopify Partner
129 14 16

Thanks for pointing that out - missed that! It looks like you might have to export the prices for the different markets and then reimport after specifying the compare-at prices for each product. I'm no expert on this, but found a relevant thread regardless: Hope it solves your problem!

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