Conversion rate has dropped significantly and can't work out why

Conversion rate has dropped significantly and can't work out why

Shopify Partner
16 0 1

Hello, hope you are able to help. Recently my store has been generating 8-10 orders a day but in the last few days it has only generated around 1 a day.


We only deliver within 72km of London and wonder if something is going on where people can't select a delivery even if they are in the serviced area. Is anyone able to spot something wrong in the latter stages of the checkout?


Here is a link to my store:


Shopify data.PNG

Replies 2 (2)

34 5 9

Hi Teebey,


Tested a few locations - everything within 50-60km came back fine with the delivery options. Once i got to 65-72km it got a bit hit-and-miss, for example Southampton didn't come up as serviceable.


Nothing that I can see that would affect your conversion though - where are you generating your leads from? It can have peaks and troughs depending on where your customer are coming from.


Hope that helps.

Shopify Partner
16 0 1

Thanks for the response; we are generating conversions from direct, Facebook ads and Google ads. Spend has stayed quite consistent/slightly increased in these channels which has raised a bit of confusion as to why we have seen add to carts increase but not orders.