Re: Cost Per Item No Longer Available For Variant When Creating Product

Cost Per Item No Longer Available For Variant When Creating Product

34 1 27

Before the latest edition, when creating a new product you were able to edit the Cost Per Item for each variant SKU BEFORE saving/creating the product. Some products have a different cost depending on size or other reason like exclusivity. Now, there is an extra step to edit cost per item. Once again your development team has made this product more time-consuming for the Shopify Admin user.



Log in to the Shopify Admin in the browser

Click Products in the sidebar

Click Add Product

In the New Product form, set Status = Draft, add title, description, SKU, Price, Cost Per Item and at least one image.

In the Variants section, click Add Options and select Size.

In the Option Values section add the sizes Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X-Large and then click Done

In the Variants table click the Select All checkbox to select all the variants



The ability to edit Cost Per Item is available as a single option OR the Bulk Edit option is available to be able to edit the Cost Per Item in the Bulk Edit table (as it was in the previous editions)



Cost Per Item AND the Bulk Edit options are not available. You have to save the product and then go back to the variant list and select the one or more items to open the Bulk Editor and change the Cost Per Item.


Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 1.03.47 PM.jpg



Bloody Rose Boutique
Austin, TX
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2611 236 551

Hi @bloodyrosebtq,


Thank you for reaching out and for letting us know that you'd like to see this flow reinstated. We appreciate your feedback and I'll be sure to pass this onto our development team. -Victor

Victor | Social Care @ Shopify 
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