Re: Customers having problems logging in to our website

Customers having problems logging in to our website

29 0 4


Our website customers are having a problem with the login. 

They say sometimes they get into the endless dead loop of an error: that the account doesn't exist. 

So when one tries to create an account, there's another error- trying to find the password also leads to an error message. 

Does anyone has had this problem? 



Replies 11 (11)

Shopify Staff
1109 106 372

Hey, @Jina!

Julie here from Shopify Support.

I'd love to have a look into this login issue here on my end. Do you mind sharing a link to your store? From there, I'll create a customer account and see if I can replicate this issue.

In the meantime, it would be great if you could confirm that you have customer accounts enabled and that the affected customers have active accounts. You can find out if customer accounts are properly enabled by heading to Settings > Checkout > Customer accounts and ensuring that either Accounts are optional or Accounts are required are checked.

As for confirming that the customers in question actually have accounts, you can find out by heading to Customers > More filters > Customer account status > Active account. Once there, you'll just want to take a look at the listed customers and ensure that you see the customers who are experiencing this issue. If you don't see them listed there, then you can invite those customers to create accounts.

It would also be helpful to know whether you have made any customizations to your login page. For example, have you edited your theme's code or installed any customer login apps? If so, the issue may be code-related and knowing exactly what kind of customizations you made, if any, can help me pinpoint the issue.

Thanks in advance, @Jina! I look forward to your update.

Julie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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2 0 0


I have the same problem with our shoppers signing up and logging in.  Should Shopify strive to improve customer satisfaction? make them In-store login with Google, Facebook, or NOT needed to INstall any additional  APPs.


The login URL in our store is:


Creating an eye-catch Customer login page is a must.  Shopify should not stay behind.



Shopify Staff
1420 324 241

Hey, @SamX


If you've gone through the suggested steps that Julie previously shared on this post and the problem still persists, we'd love to investigate the issue. Please feel free to visit our Help Center and chat with the AI assistant to be connected with a support advisor. We'll be happy to help further! 

Summer | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
4 0 0

Hi Jina,

I frequently have this problem also.  Were you able to get this resolved? I have spent some time on chat with no real resolution.  Any great info you can share? Thanks Jina!

29 0 4

Hi Steph, 

Sorry you're having the same problem! Actually, ours was solved quite easily. 

I went to the customer list and sent him/her an invitation from Shopify to activate the account. 

You should bear in mind that a newsletter subscription does not always mean that the person has opened an account. 

Hope this could help! 




Shopify Staff
1109 106 372

Hey, @StephHoopes!

I'd love to help you out with this. Did you happen to follow any of the troubleshooting steps mentioned above, including @Jina's? 

These issues are commonly attributed to customers not fully creating their accounts, as Jina mentioned. If you have customer accounts enabled, then it sounds like your customers haven't actually created their account and have instead only subscribed to your newsletter. In this case, I recommend sending your customers account invites, so they will be prompted to choose a password and create their account. Once that's done, they should be able to login with no problems! 

You can also test out the functionality of customer accounts on your end. To do this, you can create an account through your own website, exactly how a customer would. If you're receiving the same error message when trying to login, then this would indicate that your account hasn't been fully set up and you can send yourself an account invite to complete the process. This would be an excellent way to make sure everything is setup correctly. 

Let me know how that goes! 

Julie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
4 0 0

What seems to be happening is when they click on the activate account button (that comes in the email to invite them to create account) they get a 404 error message.  It's not every customer - it just randomly happens.  I'm trying to determine if there is a pattern to who/when this occurs.

New Member
4 0 0

I just tested this on a customer and this is exactly what happened.  The customer did not have an active account so I sent an account invite.  When they clicked on the activate account link this is the message received on the website:




Shopify Staff
1109 106 372

Thanks for the screenshot! It's quite odd to hear that this issue is only happening to some customers. Have you noticed any commonalities between customers who are having the same problem? For example, are they all using the same browser? 

I took a look through the Shopify Community Forums to see if any other merchants experiencing similar issues have found a solution. Based on the responses in this post, it sounds like unchecking the Enable Google reCAPTCHA on contact forms option under Online store > Preferences has worked for others. I'm curious to know if this solution will also work for you, so I recommend giving it a try!

This very well may be a theme-related issue. Instances like these can be caused by an error in your theme's code, and if this is the case, it's likely an issue with your customers/activate_account.liquid file. Which theme are you using? Is it a Shopify-developed theme, or a third-party theme? If this is a free Shopify theme, I'd be happy to have our Themes team take a look into this. 

Looking forward to your update!

Julie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
4 0 0

I have not yet found a common link to who this is happening to.  If I am able to make a connection I'll report back.

I tried the uncheck the reCAPTCHA solution and that didn't solve the problem.

Below is the theme we use:


Thank you so much for your help and for following up on this.  I really appreciate your guidance.


1 0 0

Hi Jina, 


Our customers are having the same issue and it’s effecting them making orders on our website! We are using Shopify Theme - Deput. I made a account as a customer and the same problems were happening.

is Our Website if you would like to check it out any help is appreciated! 

-McQueen Seams Team