Dawn 11 bug - Cart icon shows incorrect number of items in cart, when using browser's back button

Dawn 11 bug - Cart icon shows incorrect number of items in cart, when using browser's back button

25 1 6

I'm on Dawn 11.0


This is easy to reproduce, imagine you have an empty bag, if you add an item to the bag, you see the bag icon in the header increase its number to 1.

If you hit the Back button on the browser (mobile or desktop, does not matter), it will take you to the page you were in before, as usual, but if you look at the number in the cart icon, it will be empty (previous bag number). But it should be 1. It seems to load the cached page, but not update that number in the cart icon.


I saw some github issues open about this on Dawn 6 and 7. We are in Dawn 11 and this is still hapenning? Does someone now about this?



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
1016 204 220

Hello @herastore ,


Please check the "header.liquid" file in the section. Check the part of the code and make sure {{ cart.item_count }} is there. If the error is still there please share your store URL!



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25 1 6

Hi @Huptech-Web 


Yes, the code is there. My store is password protected, and it's in final stage of testing, I can't share it right now.


But that's not the problem. I'm not saying the number does not show up, I'm saying the number shows up, but it's the wrong number (when you press Back in the browser)