Delivery Options re shipping and local pickup

Delivery Options re shipping and local pickup

2 0 1

Some of our items in our store cannot be shipped but can be available for pickup only. I have read all the forums but so far I can't see a solution.  I did turn off physical products for those items but now all the delivery options have disappeared for those items.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
248 61 75

If a user selects shipping but has items in the cart that are available for pickup only, you can use the KlinKode PayRules app to disable the payment options and display a message indicating that these items are pickup only. This app allows you to set up specific rules that can control payment options based on the contents of the cart, ensuring the correct checkout process is followed.


Get the app here:


A step by step guide:



To change the checkout message, you can contact through the app's live chat box.

- Control payment methods visibility at checkout by KlinKode PayRules app.
- Contact me directly at
2 0 1

Thanks I will give it a try.