{DEV} Issues with Deep Linking and Passing Unique Parameters in Shopify App Embed Extension

{DEV} Issues with Deep Linking and Passing Unique Parameters in Shopify App Embed Extension

Shopify Partner
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Hi everyone,

I'm developing a Shopify chatbot app using the Shopify app embed extension and facing two issues:

  1. Deep Linking Issue: My app is visible in the app embeds list. I want to create a deep link that opens the corresponding page where the user already has my app embed activated and only needs to click on publish. However, when I open my link, Shopify shows a red error message saying, "chat" not added. There is a problem with the app block. Contact the app developer.

    Here is the URL I am using:

    https:// my-shop-url.myshopify.com/admin/themes/131438837848/editor?context=apps&addAppBlockId=0668dc6c-AAAA-4a5c-9d57-75ba0a1b1089/chat

    where 0668dc6c-AAAA-4a5c-9d57-75ba0a1b1089 is my extension ID (double-checked) and chat refers to my blocks/chat.liquid file. What am I doing wrong? What should be after the Shopify extension ID?

  2. Passing Unique Parameters: I need to insert a JavaScript code into the theme that contains a unique URL like:

    https:// myserver.com/chatwidget.js?id=111&cid=222 

    I want to pass this string (id=111&cid=222) after the theme is installed. For example, when the user clicks on the deep link, I want to update some metadata. It seems Shopify provides this possibility via App Metafields. Can I update these metafields from my app's dashboard (not in Shopify admin)? Also, can I access metafields from my Liquid code located in ./blocks/chat.liquid?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

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