Difference between online store and shop sales

Difference between online store and shop sales

7 0 3


what is the difference between the online store and shop sales statistic in the sales tab? I couldn't find an explanation.

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1425 174 292

Hi, @GTL. Welcome to the Community! I’m happy to help clarify this for you. But first, I need a little bit more context to better understand what you are referring to.


Where are you seeing the Online Store vs. Shop sales statistics? Is it a report you’ve found when you go to ‘Analytics’ in your admin? 


Let me know!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

7 0 3

I'm talking about these statistics. It's in the Analytics under total sales.





Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 9.24.20 PM.png

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1425 174 292

Thanks for the screenshot, @GTL. The total sales that you are seeing reported there, are being broken down by  sales channel:


  • Online Store: The total amount of sales generated through your Online Store checkout
  • Shop: The total amount of sales that are generated through the Shop sales channel


Does that make sense? Let me know if you need any further clarification or have other questions. I’m happy to help. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

7 0 3

Yes I get that but what is the difference between a shop and online store?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1425 174 292

Shop and Online Store are both sales channels, and a sales channel is a connection to a platform where you sell your products. For example, Shopify supports sales channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, Buy Button etc. in addition to Online Store and Shop. All of the sales channels installed on your account are seen on the left hand side of your admin under ‘Sales channels’.


That being said, sales through the Online Store sales channel consists of any sales that happen on your website that you’ve created on Shopify. So if a customer goes directly to your domain, or clicks one of your ads and is directed back to your website and makes a purchase, that sale was through your Online Store sales channel.


Similarly, when you have the Shop sales channel installed on your store, this connects your store to the Shop app. Therefore, if a customer is using the Shop app, and they make a purchase from your store from within the app, this is what is included in your total sales for the Shop sales channel. 


Does that more clearly explain the difference, @GTL ?

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

7 0 3

Thanks Helen, I have one more question. What are direct, search and social sales? I guess direct is when they land on the page either because they know the URL already or because they landed on it through an ad. Search is Google search but what are social sales? Are they also sales through ads or just organic sales?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1425 174 292

Yes, that is pretty much correct, @GTL. To sum up, the customer will have completed a purchase after coming to your store as result of one of the following sources:


  • Direct: A customer entered your store's URL into their browser
  • Search: The customer clicked your store from a search engine's results page
  • Social: The customer clicked a link on social media - this includes organic content as well as any links from ads you have running on a social media platform


Let me know if I can help with anything else. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

12 0 1

Hi Helen,

Great information on the Shop Channel app.  I understand this app is still new to Shopify. My question is, is Shopify going to do anything about helping companies that have a chargeback on their store, get listed again? We don't have control over chargebacks. If a store gets a chargeback >1% they get delisted from the app. How can we help merchants better than this? 

12 0 1

One more thing, there is no way to tell if it's a competitor doing a chargeback to prevent you from getting listed. How can we correct this?