Discount Code Not Applying on Checkout

Discount Code Not Applying on Checkout

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In Shopify Checkout their is a url /checkouts/cn/Z2NwLXVzLWNlbnRyYWwxOjAxSjk2MFJBUjJWUlY5Tk45UTJQWDZWUUNH here what does mean by /cn?

Problem is very few times /cn are replaced with /do and that times applied discount code are not showing. and i'm am not able to detect when actually this /do is adding. how can we fix this issue?



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
77 2 16

Hi @johnkabir123 ,


The "do" in checkout URL stands for draft orders in Shopify. Many apps use Draft orders for custom pricing and custom discounts in Shopify. This is a known limitation of Draft orders that discount codes do not apply on draft order checkouts. 

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