Discount Code Passed As A Query Parameter To Checkout But It's Not Applying To Order

Discount Code Passed As A Query Parameter To Checkout But It's Not Applying To Order

Shopify Partner
16 1 9

Did Shopify Change Checkout Url Structure Recently?

Shopify changed the checkout URL again, and the discount code is not applied when the discount code is available in the URL as a parameter.

Old Link -

New Link -

In, the above link
>> /checkouts/c/ 
>> /checkout/cn/c1-XXXXXX

is changed and the discount code is available in params but not applying automatically.

Any help would be great for me.

Replies 3 (3)

2 0 0

Seeing similar behaviour on /checkouts/sh/....


Interestingly only seem to end up on that url in Safari, all other browsers go to /checkouts/c/...

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I noticed this problem yesterday and figured out that the discount passed as the query param only worked on a single discount, not multiple discounts on the new link /checkout/cn/c1-XXXXX. It does work on /checkouts/c.
Do you have any workaround for this one?

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

I was using discount code as URL parameter to be applied to the checkout directly, not after Shopify changed the 'checkout' URL structure, the discount not not working 
do you have any idea, how can i achieve this