Displaying gross and net prices with 2 different taxes in 1 shop

Displaying gross and net prices with 2 different taxes in 1 shop

28 1 4

Hey guys,


a question regarding the displaying of the german VAT as net prices without tax.
We are just setting up the shop. Shopify Plan: basic

German VAT: products with 19% VAT and products with 7% VAT

Our shop has products with 2 different taxes. Most of them have 19% VAT and others have 7% VAT. Our problem is that we need to show correct net prices of all products (19% products and 7% products) for wholesalers/b2b customers in the shop.

The basic setting for the shop is with 19% VAT and the 7% VAT Products are in a collection (collection with only 7% VAT Products) to override the basic VAT setting.


Any ideas would be pretty much appreciated!



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