Does Shopify provide discount code promo for subscription?

Does Shopify provide discount code promo for subscription?

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Hi everyone,


My friend sent me a link like this: (just an example), saying it offers 25% off on a Shopify plan. Is this supposed to be a discount for a Shopify subscription? I thought discount codes might look like something like this: ABC123 (just an example).

Im curious, does Shopify actually provide discount codes for subscriptions? When I signed up for a Shopify account, I didnt notice any option to apply a discount code.


Would love to hear if anyone here has experience with this. Thanks!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
501 35 132

It's probably an affiliate link. If I had to guess, when you use that link, Shopify stores information about who referred you, so that once you sign up, they can be credited. If this information is present, you wouldn't necessarily have to enter a code, as they already know what to offer you.

Founder, Regios Discounts app (4.8 stars, 77 reviews, Built for Shopify)
- Custom discounts made simple
- "Just about any discount you'll ever need"
- Built by an ex-Google software engineer