Duplicate product types

Duplicate product types

12 0 2

I'm trying to have a clean up of my product types and tags. 


When I select product type, the drop down list has duplicates due to typos in letter case eg ABC and ABc, however when I select either of these to make the relevant changes all products in both categories are shown. 


How can I change this without manually going through each product as this is not viable with the amount of products we have in our store. 


Thank you

Reply 1 (1)
12 0 2

Hi Thank you, I did try this but when I reimported all products with multiple images only had one photo.  I think because I had reordered the CVS by product type alphabetical. I was hoping for a different solution.


Why does Shopify show them as separate in the drop down list but treat them as the same for producing the product list?