email address verification

email address verification

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Im new to shopify, found out that my email had not been verified. Once we got it verified somehow it opened an new account in shopify. The only route I have now for emails is to a public employee email address. I really dont want to monitor another email address by making a new one. I'm not thrilled about that so I tried to change the email addresses in both accounts but neither one will change. How do I delete one account and get the right account verified with the right email address? 

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hi @lazydcrafts Allow me to assist you in resolving this account issue. 

1. For removing a Shopify account:

To remove an account, log in to the account first.

check for the option "Close store" or "Delete store" at the bottom of the Settings > Plan and permissions screen.

Then, follow the instructions to confirm deletion.

2. For the account you wish to maintain:
Try this first: Go to "Account settings > Account information" and try updating "Email" or "Contact email." If that doesn't work, get in touch with Shopify Support directly:
- Sign in to your Shopify admin account - Select "Contact support" - Click "Help" (in the bottom left corner).

Shopify Support will be your best bet when you're having problems updating the email addresses on your own. They are able to: Confirm your identification