Error in the layout of a custom section on iPhone

Error in the layout of a custom section on iPhone

9 1 0

I'm having a problem with the layou of a custom section on the iPhone, it is all to the side, and the problem is not the screen size, but the device.


This other image is on an Android device:


Remembering that the test was done on more than one Android and iPhone device.

Could someone help me solve this problem?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
14 0 0

Hey brother maybe there is some issue in responsiveness ask the developer or the person who built this custom section to fix it from code 

if you need any help through shopify partner collaboration program i will help you for free this way it will be both win win for us it will help to grow my profile for future and it will help your task also.

I have 3 years of expirence for web development and shopify 

feel comfortable to ask any question 
