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Hi there! I am trying to start my TikTok shop. I just created a new account and now I am unable to proceed until I fix this step. I have attached a photo of the error message.
I use Printify, a print on demand company to fulfill all of my orders.
My home address is connected to my Shopify account and it was entered correctly.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
I figured out a solution:
First off, I did not get this message to go away. However I figured a way to work around it. You need to go to the Shopify app store and either use "Afterfeed for TikTok Shop" or "TikTok Shop for ShoppeDance"
They both work to import the listings. I think "Aftership" is easier to understand. However, I like "ShoppeDance" better for bulk importing, although I think it is harder to understand.
This is an accepted solution.
Hi @OwnerBCC
I have some troubleshooting steps you can confirm on your end, and if that doesn't resolve the error you can contact TikTok support directly for further assistance. I'll mark this answer as the solution, as these are the next steps for anyone facing this issue.
You will need to make sure the warehouse/fulfillment location information is valid. The location name cannot be longer than 35 characters. This can be found in your Shopify Admin Settings > Locations.
Please check that the location address in Shopify matches the address on Google Maps. If it does not, you will need to update the address to match the address that displays in Google Maps.
If you continue to see the error after confirming your warehouse/fulfillment location information is valid and matches what displays in Google Maps, you will need to reach out directly to TikTok Support team. If necessary, you can use the Get Support button within the TikTok app to be directed to their Support queue.
Shay | Social Care @ Shopify
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I'd really love to know the answer to this question! I am trying to setup the link between my TikTok Shop and Shopify store as well and I just was hit with this error message. My address is entered properly, so I do not know what the issues is. 😞
I have been at it for 3 hours now, I still haven't found a solution. I will let you know if I figure it out!
Did you even figure out the problem?
This is an accepted solution.
I figured out a solution:
First off, I did not get this message to go away. However I figured a way to work around it. You need to go to the Shopify app store and either use "Afterfeed for TikTok Shop" or "TikTok Shop for ShoppeDance"
They both work to import the listings. I think "Aftership" is easier to understand. However, I like "ShoppeDance" better for bulk importing, although I think it is harder to understand.
I have ShoppeDance and still no resolution to the location error problem.
see my reply to the main post
The link you provided is broken.
Were you able to fix this issue? if so, please share the solution.
I have the same issue and have not been able to solve it. Very annoying....
see my reply to the original post
This bekow link from TiKTok Academy provides the main reasons for this error. Ensure to fill in your warehouse data in TikTok sellers account first and then make sure the address and phone number matches your Shopify warehouse settings.
link is broken
A buddy of mine just had this issue, remove CJ (if that's what you are using) and replace the CJ location with your address. Once you've done that, add CJ again and it should work. Probably just something weird with the timing of you adding the supplier and setting up the TT shop. Hopefully that helps.
What is CJ?
What is CJ??
My address error was fixed when I shortened my zip code down to just the first 5 numbers. My zip code was entered like this 12458-0035 and I changed it to just 12458. I hope that helps some people.
I figured it out!! The "Warehouse name" on tiktok and the "Location name" on shopify cannot be the same. Simply try putting company name for one, and add LLC at the end for the other, so that the names are 'different'. Edit the tiktok name first and save changes.
Follow these steps: Log into your tiktok seller center > click on your icon at the top right > my account > account settings > warehouse setting > edit the "Pickup Warehouse" and then "Return Warehouse": click edit for each > under "Warehouse Name" put [insert company name] > save.
THEN log into Shopify > click settings > locations > click on your default location > under "Location name" put [insert company name, LLC]. Then save. You now have different names for each location, your should be able to go back to adding the tiktok app and complete the set up!
Unfortunately, this process didn't work for me. I'm still in the hunt as to why this address location error is giving a lot of people I hard time.
This is giving me a massive headache and not much resource to support, I am a UK customer who is finding this impossible to achieve can we get a revised solution as the one listed here is good seemingly for US customers, Can we folks across the pond get some help - We are having issues syncing both POD providers who seemingly support this via the shopify platform - Hopefully we can get some help we would be ever so grateful I am sure many others will to - Best
Your tiktok warehouse name has to match the one on your shopify location.
Ours is GB Pickup Warehouse on tiktok and now also on shopify. Make sure the spelling and capitalization is 100% correct.
Hope this works for you.
Hi There,
This made no difference for us and still remains with asking the same problem re region. Thanks anyhow 🙂 Glad you got sorted
This is an accepted solution.
Hi @OwnerBCC
I have some troubleshooting steps you can confirm on your end, and if that doesn't resolve the error you can contact TikTok support directly for further assistance. I'll mark this answer as the solution, as these are the next steps for anyone facing this issue.
You will need to make sure the warehouse/fulfillment location information is valid. The location name cannot be longer than 35 characters. This can be found in your Shopify Admin Settings > Locations.
Please check that the location address in Shopify matches the address on Google Maps. If it does not, you will need to update the address to match the address that displays in Google Maps.
If you continue to see the error after confirming your warehouse/fulfillment location information is valid and matches what displays in Google Maps, you will need to reach out directly to TikTok Support team. If necessary, you can use the Get Support button within the TikTok app to be directed to their Support queue.
Shay | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi Shay,
I cannot agree nor recommend you set this as the answer 😞 it does not work as a workaround or remedy to this problem. We are still hitting heads off walls. This really should not be this painful and we all cannot be wrong its the platform.
firstly my location names are under 35 characters and this google maps suggestion is not the one unfortunately.
Furthermore the address is generated by shopify via google as I type it within the box on the platform it suggests what it has in its database that matches and I select the appropriate match - there is no override to this no manual entry that will correct it or make it work trust us we have tried every single combination possible -
Evidently shopifys address linking system is old and outdated I am a resident of Northern Ireland which is part of the UK but devolved in its own government and jurisdiction Shopify have not recognised this which is rather upsetting and disappointing yet TikTok picked it up right away as detailed above - I really appreciate you took the time to provide this suggestion sadly it does not work.
For example Tik Tok has our region as United Kingdom & Northern Ireland - Belfast
Shopify has us as United Kingdom
So obviously when TikTok connects to look for a region match the api calls for the region as "United Kingdom & Northern Ireland - Belfast " which is correct and the Shopify system answers the api call with "United Kingdom" so it wont ever match this needs remedied asap.
Unfortunately and it should not be the responsibility of your paying customer of this platform to match addresses via google your system should do that for us in the same way the tik tok system did it for us instantly. I cannot reach out to TikTok support with problems pertaining to the shopify platform it is shopify where the issue resides its inside your platform the error is given.
I am not alone there are many of us with this issues all you have to do is google the error message, Why there is no provided solution from a global solution such as shopify is concerning we can all hope this gets sorted out ASAP because without it we are outside a 1.8 Billion People marketplace. It is in everyones interest to make this work we just want it to.
I found this and it gives a lot of different solutions to fix the error messages.
hey mate, i think i may have found something thats working for me so far as to say ive finally got rid of the error after many many days probably like yourself. One thing i did was to add POD warehouse to tik tok warehouse backend, but weirdly that still did not get rid of the error, anyhow i left it there in TT and added the POD location to the backend in shopify too but renamed it with an extention like "new" - this then auto updated weirdly on TT end too - in the warehouses. I then also went in and changed my business location name to in shopify and added an extention like "shipments" to the end of my business name description and checked the address format. The TT app was auto picking up the adjusted names and now the error has gone. It still does say my products are syncing but i have got rid of the error after several days. will try and update if it worked for me fully and my products and shop finally show on TT after this sync is done. I havent been able to manage my products under shop management since inception. once this sync is done it should let me and hopefully all is well. Will try and update but try the steps.
****UPDATE!!***. Yes!! Adding an extention to the warehouse name on shopify side in the location settings for shopify has fixed the shopify tik tok app error for locations and now I can see my products etc.
Was playing around for a few minutes and managed to fix it. For me, it prompted me to edit my fullfilment/address info. I simply went to Shopify Store Settings -> Locations and renamed my default address name and removed the space characters. Preume TikToks integraion doesnt allow space characters in fulfilment locations.
I had a similar issue then it said "error: duplicate location".
- I matched the address from tiktok shipping template to location settings in Shopify
- To avoid the duplicate error I added numbers after the name and the error went away
- To avoid the "invalid access token" error I actually needed to be granted more access shopify after some access was revoked - so access seems to effect set up as well
Posting on here in case anyone has the same headache from these errors.
Glad you found a work-around. I had the same challenge but I managed to solve it.
The issue is about the addresses. When you use Shopify to do the sync, Shopify talks to TikTok to get your locations, and these don't match.
On your TikTok Shop go to :
My Account > Account Settings > Warehouse Settings
Click on Add Warehouse and enter the name of the warehouse (I used Printify) then add the address and zipcode/postcode.
Click Save.
Go back to your Shopify Account and refresh the page. This will make Shopify talk to Tiktok again to get any updates, including the new warehouse location you just created.
Hope this helps anyone in the future 🙂
** solution **
while my addresses were the same on both ends, and names were different, I went in and added them all again on both tt and shopify and saved the new address (even tho the same) - and after updating both , the error message went away and my products appeared!
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