Export Products to CSV - Missing Status with Variants

Export Products to CSV - Missing Status with Variants

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I exported all Products to a CSV



When I look at the status field for a product with variants in the UI I see Active for all.

When I look at the status field for a product with variants in the CSV I see Active for just one and all the rest are blank. Why?




Sassy, bold, and undeniably stylish - Anna Zuckerman's fashion jewelry set with diamond crystalline is designed for women who dare to stand out.
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Shopify Partner
11 1 0

You can only change the listing status for a product, not its underlying variants. So in the ui it's showing "active" for all variants of an "active" product because the variants inherit the product's listing status.


Whereas in the csv, the report leaves the listing status blank for all but 1 variant of a product (with that variant being the 1st variant displayed of its product), with the intention of implying any blank cells have the same listing status as the 1st variant of the same product. 


So each variant of a product shares the same listing status, and only the listing status for the product can be changed. 

Founder | Automyze Inventory Planning
Automyze Inventory Planning: Forecasting, reorder insights, OTB plans, reports, & analytics
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Thanks - but leaving the "listing status blank for all but 1 variant of a product" makes no sense for exporting data when one is assuming all data fields would/should have a value. What is the point of allowing exports then?

Sassy, bold, and undeniably stylish - Anna Zuckerman's fashion jewelry set with diamond crystalline is designed for women who dare to stand out.
Shopify Partner
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If I were to guess, they may leave the cells blank to reduce file size and/or to visually separate each product in the file (since they don't have a separate row for the parent product containing variants). But I agree it's confusing when the listing status is shown for a single variant, rather than all variants (or shown for a separate parent product row if they had that added to reports).

Founder | Automyze Inventory Planning
Automyze Inventory Planning: Forecasting, reorder insights, OTB plans, reports, & analytics
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Thanks - appreciate the help!

Sassy, bold, and undeniably stylish - Anna Zuckerman's fashion jewelry set with diamond crystalline is designed for women who dare to stand out.
New Member
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If the reports online matched what I would export and put into PowerBI it would be great - but they never do and Shopify refuses to provide any support on what calculated fields make up the reports.

Sassy, bold, and undeniably stylish - Anna Zuckerman's fashion jewelry set with diamond crystalline is designed for women who dare to stand out.
Shopify Partner
11 1 0

Yeah it's tough to get an exact match so the best approach may be to create excel formulas the format the file as desired for PowerBI. For example, you could do the following to assign a listing status to all of the blank cells (while the exported Shopify file is in original format):

- If "Status" is in column "BE" row 1, the formula to use in column "BF" row 2 would be  =IF(ISBLANK(BE2), LOOKUP(2, 1/(BE$1:BE1<>""), BE$1:BE1), BE2)

- You can then drag that down to the final row containing a variant


This will give you a new status column that uses the status from the nearest associated variant whenever the variant has an empty cell for status, so that no cell is blank in the new column.


It's not the ideal solution, but it should be more efficient than copy/paste or other manual methods.

Founder | Automyze Inventory Planning
Automyze Inventory Planning: Forecasting, reorder insights, OTB plans, reports, & analytics