All things Shopify and commerce
Hello, I've been struggling lately trying to link the store to my Facebook page.
I followed all the procedure in shopify via the "sales channel +". the facebook shop and instagram shopping both show as ACTIVE.
But when i open the "customize Shop" and go to the commerce manager page the store show up as Unpublished. And I get a message from Facebook saying:
"shop updates can't be published because your commerce account didn't pass our standard review", no explanations or any other option to know what is wrong or not in compliance with their policy. Some of my products ( simple tshirt) also just got the " Not approved " stamp don't now why?
What can one do to get the shop working with Facebook and get then to approve/ allow publishing of the store?
Any help or advise is welcome as i exhausted all the options i could think of. Thanks!
Facebook and insta both active on shopify
unpublished error in facebook
Error/ no option to publish within the mannager commerce account
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Update my end - Commerce Account now approved.
I am having the same issue. I have over 900 items approved but just under 50 of them have an error. Is there any way to turn of these products on Facebook so that is doesn't pick these up? Obviously I still want them on the website but they don't have to be on Facebook if that is an issue for me not publishing my store.
Agreed. I hope shopify will respond to help us with the issue. Ive been trying to resolve this for weeks with no luck.
Hi Akmal are you familiar with commerce accounts getting rejected during shopify integration? What is your process for resolving these? I'm sure lots of people would gladly pay to figure out a solution but it's a very complicated process we've all been through and anyone promising a quick fix lifts eyebrows
Don't waste your time (or your money).
He's offering to do the same setup you already did.
I bet he hasn't even read trough this post to see that the problem is not that we don't know how to set it up.
No one but facebook/shopify can help us. NO ONE. DONT FALL FOR SCAMS
this shit pissed me off
Having the same issue, but mine says that the products have been rejected because of dynamic ad poli... know what that might mean? I’ve read ALL of the policies and I don’t breach a single one. And I’ve run fb adverts with some of those exact products!? It’s nonsensical!!! I’m losing it, I’ve spent WEEKS uon this 😭 AND now I can’t even link my IG to FB product catalogue, it doesn’t show up and says to ‘make sure I’m an admin’ ?? I am!! This is awful
Did you get this sorted? I've got a similar problem and no idea hwo to get it reviewed, FB are not responding to my messages!
Yes, exactly! If you go back a few pages you will see my detailed reply to this issue, I actually own a real marketing agency here in UK operating for over 3 years and I help clients with technical issues like these. And I can confirm there's currently no solution to it other than clunky workarounds. These guys are trying to capitalise on the desperate situation we're in here. I explained everything you can actually do right now to rectify the issue, but there's no way to solve it as of right now other than completely moving your entire Shopify domain (myshopify one not actual .com domain). Facebook is a huge pain in the a**e to deal with!
Same issue here!!! And the funny thing is Instagram account was approved and Facebook was denied!
The issue is still on Going I add to take the app down from Shopify as the Instagram stoped working as well, installed the new Facebook app, and the same thing happen, instagram working just fine but still not approved from Facebook for whatever reason, my request directly with Facebook for a new review is still marked as open waiting for response,
hey guys,
I am having the exact same issue, although no issues with my products, its just says my commerce account didn't pass the standard review and now I can't publish my shop. Instagram is linked and approved, I just need to be able to publish my shop. I have messaged facebook several times with no reply, and I am now running out of options! Hopefully there is a response soon!
OMG, I have to the same problem I thought i was only me.
Is there anyone got fixed? Please share your method.
I have the same problem! I got rejected for both Facebook and Instagram. It's weird because all my products are approved but i cant publish my shop!
I'm having the exact same issue. Did you have any luck? I've had min reviewed and they rejected again but they can't tell me why. Incredibly frustrating.
Hi what did you end up doing after the second failed review? It seems the only way is to make a new facebook page?
I'm wondering the same thing also. I didn't realize I would only get one review at the time or else I would not have requested the review. Now no matter how many times I have reached out to Facebook with evidence that my shop meets their criteria, I receive the same generic response about them "not having enough bandwidth" to allow for another review. It is beyond frustrating! I also refuse to create a new page because I have had to work extremely hard for the followers that I currently have.
Exactly same issue. Contact their support, and they say "your commerce account doesn't pass review and there's nothing we can do". FB really sucks.
Yes and no clue as to what is wrong.
If this is common problem surely Shopify should be helping with this Shopify ????
You'd think they would, but they just refer you back yo Facebook.
Its so frustrating
Facebook have said they have an issue on their end with their engineering they are trying to resolve and that this is happening to alot of people
I have the same problem it doesn't matter what I do, my page won't approved, any solutions?
Did they provide any timeline when it will be fixed? I already give up the FB support, that's the worst I've ever seen. Shopify support is good, but they can do nothing since the stuck account is fully controlled by FB side.
It's infuriating! Shopify have no accountability; No matter what the issue the only response Shopify staff have to their customers is either refer you to paid 3rd party application that solves there design flaw or refer you 3rd party company that they signed a profitable agreement with... You're paying top dollar for there service but you're always left in limbo.. People need control over there business; But with Shopify everything is always in the hands of a 3rd party that couldn't care less about you or whether you're in business or not............. Poor form!
It sounds like you guys are also getting this error?:
After reviewing your commerce account, we found that it doesn't comply with our Commerce Eligibility Requirements, so your shop isn't visible to potential customers. If you believe your shop should be published, you can see details and request a review in Account Quality.
I've requested reviews several times and now I don't even see the request a review button. I have the Facebook channel enabled for all appropriate products.
UGGHHH!! I've been wrestling with this for months! Facebook is SO UNHELPFUL! There is nothing unusual about my products -- handmade quilts, etc. Yes, Shopify can you please help?
Yes that is the error. Is anyone able to get shopify to take a serious look at this and step in and help?
Thanks. There's some consolation in knowing it's a common problem.
Yup over 6 weeks and no answer, same response over and over that someone from the internal team is looking at it.
No timeline, nothing... just ill get an email when i get an email.
I practically ask every day...
It looks like maybe I requested a review too many times and now my Commerce Account is blocked all together. I've tried FB chat support, emailing them and they simply say "the decision is final. There is nothing we can do." I cannot purchase ads, tag products on FB, or set up my FB shop. So incredibly frustrating. Looks like my only option might be to delete my page and start again?
So a bit of advice, be careful with how many reviews you request.
Could anyone recommend a third party company I could hired to help with this?
I really do not recommend to create another commerce manager. I did this and my second merchant account was blocked too ... Surprisingly, my first account's store was magically displayed even though my commerce account was blocked.
Facebook is well aware of the problem and is working on it to remedy it, you just have to be patient I guess.
What do you mean by Facebook is working to remedy the problem, are they actually doing anything besides going back and forth with people for weeks and then telling them there's nothing they can do like they are with me?
Has this been sorted for you? If so, can you provide all the details in how it was resolved? I can’t believe this thread and how many are just left to hang. I left a comment on Shopify Instagram account, I suggest people do this so that it gets noticed right away.
Still no response. It's horrible.
My shop finally got approved.
After over 2 months and constant being told to wait. I got an email saying it was approved.
I didn't do anything specific, I did realize my email address wasn't attached to my FB page so double checked that and i also had a few items that weren't matching with event data so fixed those.
But i was never told any of those things, just got a random email saying approved.
HOWEVER my instagram shop is not approved, which makes absolutely no sense as its exactly the same. I have had to contact them again for a manual review of this as apparently it had already been reviewed and is only allowed 1 review. Heres hoping that resolves faster.
Good luck to everyone, its a pain in the b*tt
Same issue all around. TLDR version: there is some issue on the FB side of things, but they are unwilling to do anything for you, and they cannot change the process of having anything re-reviewed - literally told just to wait until later. Undetermined amount of time.
A word of caution to those reading this prior to submitting for a re-review. There is only one chance at a re-review per FB policies. After that it is unknown if/when another review process will come up.
With that said, I'm not sure there's any way to determine what exactly is needed to correct on the account in order to submit for re-review.
I worked with FB marketing manager on a separate issue. They put me in touch with a FB shop expert and over the phone they walked me through de-linking everything in Shopify on the FB sales channel to see if setting it all back up would correct the problem. No fix there.
Further they helped me use the tech support option to open a ticket to check all the settings.
Here is what they walked me through:
Thanks for taking the time to write , pretty much sums it up and I guess we have nothing that we can do.
Dear, good morning!
I am just starting with my store and I also find this error. Is there any way to advertise on Facebook without having this approved? Thank you so much!
That's verbatim the interaction I had with them.
I truly believe those chat agents are bots too.
I find it hard to believe there's actual human support reps this dumb.
Hey guys, been following this thread for a little over a week now, time to give my experience and insights as I run my own agency where I help customers with such problems. TL:DR - I couldn't find a working solution as of yet. But below are my findings and a potential solution that I'll try next, however, it won't be an option for most I think.
So, in short - the usual path of talking to Shopify support & Fb support got me nowhere and I'm also stuck on a waiting list.
Ultimately, when Shopify automatically creates a Facebook catalogue, some parameters and bits get ported wrong which results in account suspension. As you already know, clicking to appeal without changes gets you nowhere and then you're stuck which is what happened to my client.
Before you click to review again, try to implement these catalogue changes:
But if you already got rejected a second time, here's what I tried and it didn't work:
1. Create a new catalogue
2. Create a new commerce manager
3. Assign new facebook page
- these seem to have been working workarounds but facebook now does not allow to delete any suspended accounts, be it commerce manager or catalogue.
So at this stage there are 2 ways - 1) to wait however long and potentially never be able to use facebook shopping with shopify or 2) find a workaround to make it work.
So here's what I plan to try next:
1. Port over the entire shopify website onto a new shopify domain - this seems to be most promising option, since the suspended account catalogue & commerce manager gets linked to the my-shopify domain and it is stuck in this broken loop. Creating a 'new' website, with a different domain, then making sure the catalogue is not automatically created would look like a new shop on Facebook and likely to work going forward.
2. If the above won't work, I'll try to create a new business manager to connect with the new shopify domain.
I'm 90% sure these 2 options will finally allow my client to advertise and sell on both Facebook and Instagram, but this is actually ridiculous. Facebook is so much fun to deal with haha.
Hi, I was thinking to disconnect the shopify facebook sales channel and try for a re-review with only my approved manually uploaded products. But facebook are saying my commerce account and access to commerce manager will be deleted if I disconnect the shopify integration. Did you try this as one of your solutions? Sounds absurd as it was just meant to be an integration.
I believe that anyone who reports having been approved is using their appeal. Anyone who naively submitted an appeal right after having the initial connection reject has no chance of approval I have wasted over three months on this. Time to move on.
I agree, I think that's why some are approved when others are not also...
I made the same naive mistake!
That's interesting. I have the opposite--my Facebook shop is not approved but I can sometimes tag products on Facebook right after I add them to Shopify. However, if I access Instagram through my cell phone, I can tag all products. So weird.
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