Re: Facebook - commerce account Not aproved Error with Facebook


Facebook - commerce account Not aproved Error with Facebook

2 0 7

Hello, I've been struggling lately trying to link the store to my Facebook page.  

I followed all the procedure in shopify via the "sales channel +". the facebook shop and instagram shopping both show as ACTIVE.

But when i open the "customize Shop" and go to the commerce manager page the store show up as Unpublished. And I get a message from Facebook saying:

"shop updates can't be published because your commerce account didn't pass our standard review", no explanations or any other option to know what is wrong or not in compliance with their policy. Some of my products ( simple tshirt) also just got the " Not approved " stamp don't now why? 

What can one do to get the shop working with Facebook and get then to approve/ allow publishing of the store? 

Any help or advise is welcome as i exhausted all the options i could think of. Thanks! 

Facebook and insta both active on shopifyFacebook and insta both active on shopifyunpublished error in facebookunpublished error in facebookError/ no option to publish within the mannager commerce accountError/ no option to publish within the mannager commerce account

Accepted Solution (1)
3 1 10

This is an accepted solution.

Update my end - Commerce Account now approved. 

So I didn't have to do much other than contact them and explain that I had thoroughly reviewed the commerce terms and was confident my account didn't breach any and that many other users seem to have the same issue. I also attached screenshots of the various screens showing the account not approved.
Here is the link the support team gave me to use to specifically contact the commerce team:
When you click through to the link it'll ask you to select the page you need support with. Under Topic I selected 'Account Setup' and then 'Getting approval for Instagram Shopping'. I think you can select other categories and get the same outcome though so have a look through them.
Screenshot 2021-03-14 at 20.09.18.png
My advice would be to message facebook directly using the above link if you haven't already. Be detailed, and demonstrate confidence that you meeting the commerce account criteria.

View solution in original post

Replies 293 (293)
12 0 5
It didn’t get published yet. I just clicked on the link where it said to contact fb support. Still in limbo with store.
3 0 2

How long did it take for the issue to get resolved in your experience?

12 0 5
Still not resolved. Going on two months now
13 0 10

5 months and counting.


Every single one of my products are allowed.

I can tag products on my posts..


But the "commerce account" isn't approved.



It's a cluster#@#$#

And I'm pretty sure it'll never be fixed.




3 0 2

What happens if my commerce account is not approved? Can I still do fb ads except i cant analyze the stats coz there is no fb pixel? All my products are approved. Help! 

13 0 10
You can't use the facebook shop
26 1 6

Your pixel should still work, check in your FB account.

12 0 5
I’m sure you still can run ads but why give a service money when they can’t even resolve an issue that is so important to run your business. It’s so wild to me that this should be accepted as norm. I keep getting messages like we have ‘high volume’ - like don’t offer the product if you can’t support it.
I genuinely hope higher up in fb or Shopify is reading this. They will do nothing tho, until someone does a Netflix special on how poorly run the service is. Lol
5 0 4

So after 3 months of emailing and waiting with my Commerce Manager support ticket, my Shop was finally approved.   My only advice is the make sure you don't have any rejected products, open up a ticket with with the FB Business support chat, then wait.   I emailed about once per week requesting an update, but I'm not sure if that did any good.   They just may be that backlogged.

5 0 5

Happy to hear that your commerce account was finally approved.

Maybe it is just a matter of time... well 3 months at least it seems.


Anyway in the meantime I have posted negative feedback to Shopify in their questionnaire which is in the Facebook app section of the dashboard. Maybe if everyone does the same Shopify will put some pressure on Facebook to look into this.






21 0 4

haha I just did this, this morning

12 0 2

Hi, were you approved after 2 rejected shop reviews?

2 0 3

If all your products are approved, then you should be able to post pictures on FB and then manually tag those pictures with the link to the items in your shop. This will link to your shop even though the shop is not published. You can still run ads and tag products in FB and all the stats and analytics should work normally. (assuming you have a similar set of circumstances)

I have the following hilarious set of circumstances: 

1) Shopify pixel is running on FB without errors - updates to items in my Shopify portal will automatically update in FB shop.

2) On one occasion I published an item that was against FB policies (after my shop was rejected). I amended the pictures to be in line with the policies (deleted the alcohol related picture). I submitted for a review on this one specific item and within hours the item was approved. 

3) I can edit all the items in my shop manager on the FB side and see all the attributes port over from the Shopify pixel. 

4) I can tag items in pictures on my news feed and this will link to my FB shop and I can further click through to both that individual item (link to purchase through my website) and I can also click through from that page and see my FB shop and all other listed items and link to purchase all items on my website. 

5) The only thing not working is simply the "publish FB shop". This in turn doesn't allow me to setup instagram tagging or instagram shopping on my linked IG profile. 

It's obvious from the item tagging that the shop is up and running and that there are in fact no issues with my commerce eligibility or any of the items in my shop. It's simply some kind of programming error on FB side. 

Bizzarro world! 

At this point I'm resigned to this functionality being good enough and I'll hope that someday it's fixed. Sadly, FB support is not worth working with as they will not do anything to fix or escalate the issue. 

13 0 10
Yep.. exactly our problem..

5 1 0

Exactly our problem as well. So frustrating about Insta though.

3 0 0

just here to say we have the same problem. so frustrating!

13 0 1

Hello, Thanks for your information. But I just wonder, how can you email to Shopify? I spent long time still couldn't find the way..

21 0 4

top right corner the blue link

get support linkget support link top 



1 0 0

Please, send me the contact details if you can. I have the same issue. Thanks You!

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

what is the Facebook contact?

3 0 0

what do u mean ? 

do u mean how to contact FB? 


Please specify




Shopify Partner
4 0 1
someone said in the discussion that the Facebook team gave him a contact
and it worked...
1 0 0

Well done. 

Could you please share the email address as I am having the same issue and would like it resolved.

17 0 11
If you go into your Commerce Account and click report a problem on the bottom right of the screen and click other problems. That's how I got in touch. They ask if you'd rather get a reply via email or chat and I chose chat. Then you just wait for one of Facecrooks minions to respond via messenger. Good luck!
11 0 6

Exact same issue, no response from facebook. Just a vague account reviewed with no explanation as to why. 



21 0 4

so frustrating, im going through the same issue

1 0 0

did you find a fix for this? I am having the same issue

11 0 6

My only solution was to delete my facebook business page. Create a new business page and start the process again with the shopify facebook app. Disconnect all instagram and ad accounts on the old facebook page. Whatever you can unlink basically before starting again. I'd even wait the 14 days it takes to be able to delete the old page. Use a different commerce manager then when starting again.

I am now approved on facebook and insta after doing this but it took me 2 months to get here and facebook chat support are not good. They can only read back to you what is on their support website. Which is also completely useless and confusing information.

2 0 0

Hey I am having the same issue, so should I delete everything and start from scratch? i don't understand whats the commerce account? its something new and its very confusing. I will appreciate if you can help me with that

11 0 6

If it's a new page delete the business page. This takes 14 days but you can create a new page in the mean time. In commerce manager delete your ad accounts and unlink it from your instagram. 

On your instragram make sure you have a business account and have all you information correct, In the personal information part of instagram make sure your email, phone number and DOB. Make sure you have your website listed in your BIO and make sure your contact options are fully completed, email, phone and address. I'm not sure if needed but try have your facebook and instagram page called the same. So you insta handle should be the same as your facebook page name.

On your website make sure you have, privacy policy, shipping policy, returns policy, payment policy, terms and conditions links in your footer. Make sure your address and contanct email and number is also listed in your footer. (More for google sales channeI think).

Create your new facebook business page. Follow the steps and make sure all the address info, contact info etc is complete. Upload a few posts. 

Install the facebook app in shopify and when you get to the part about the commerce manage try to create a new one and if that won't work use your personal facebook account as the commerce manager for everything. 

That's pretty much what I did and I was surprised it worked. I had given up but then an email arrived saying I was now approved. It arrived probably a few weeks after me doing all of this. My old facebook page was in delete mode and once the 14 days expired I deleted it. 

44 1 14

This is why I will never have a store on FB. I have over 2600 “fans” and I have done this before. The last time I did this I had 3700 people. And FB knows this. 

I think at times that FB doesn’t want us all to Have Stores. They do make money from ads or boosts. 

I hate the fact that Instagram and FB are Linked. My dog has a page and they wanted info. Well my dog is 5 years old. Too young for a page. Four hours later they got a lot of complaints. Had they not asked?

one of my FB ads wasn’t approved. Why? Because the ad said “At Leap4artNC we believe Love Makes the World Go Round. 

when I took that out and said We believe in Love it ran. BUT it was too late for Valentine’s Day. 

26 1 6

Update--The issue for me maybe that I'm setting up a USA website but I'm not in the USA, to use the new feature you need to be registered in the country you are selling.   *** This is a speculation on my part from trying to use a another app to sort it out instead and that is what it says***

1 0 4

Hi Everyone! I have the same issue. Instagram approved the commerce account, but Facebook denied it twice. I have no ability to even go in and ask for another review. We sell paintings and have zero issues with our products. It is insanity trying to get this shop approved. Now I am locked out from asking for another approval for our Facebook commerce account.

I contacted Shopify to see if they have any information on this issue and they have been getting several calls. Facebook is aware of the issue from denying commerce stores for no apparent reason.

YOU CAN SUBMIT A TICKET TO FACEBOOK TO REVIEW !! submit a ticket at good luck!! Everyone should start submitting tickets to Facebook so it forces them to fix this issue quicker 🙂



4 0 4

I'm having the exact same problem. 


I set up my FB commerce profile last week, linked it to my shopify website. However my website was not finalized at the time so I had it password protected. 

Due to this reason I believe FB denied publishing my store to my FB Commerce. (which is fair enough to be honest)


But heres the thing. Comes today, I am about to launch my store, I go live and get rid of my password protected website. 

Request a review from FB for my commerce store ot be approved on FB, but it got denied again!

Maybe i was meant to wait several hours since getting rid of my password? 

Now i am stuck. Cant request another review. No idea where to contact FB. 


Someone please help i have been trying to resolve the matter for over 4 hours now. 


3 0 5
I’ve had the same issue for 4 weeks – FB shop in review – contacted Fb they stated I just had to be patient.

Shame on Shopify for not trying to sort this it – seems to be a definite glitch in the system
12 0 2

Hi, were u able to resolve this? After being rejected from 2 shop reviews? 

12 0 5
Nope. Legit nightmare. Created a new business account but my insta somehow is still attached to the old even after I disconnected. Literal shit show.
12 0 2
Did you try creating a new facebook business page? It looks like I'll have
to resort to that. What a ridiculous process.
2 0 0

hi, how do you create a new commerce account?

1 0 0

Did anyone figure this out?


New Member
5 0 0

The main thing is like stated in above comment. Make sure you have enough followers and page for at least a month. I was able to get my Instagram approved with another business page I had. I did in on Instagram on mobile just have to enter items manually. For some reason all my accounts are linked to my main Facebook. Still waiting to see if Facebook will approve me i had another business page. Just make sure to reach out to Facebook before you do appeal. They will send you links to double check everything.  The link to commerce customer server is on the solved post comment here. Other then that I'm not tripping. I have  a Pinterest shop and Instagram. Being that Facebook owns Instagram. Its not the end of the world if Facebook don't approve me .I'm sure the shops are linked somewhat. now I'm just gonna focus on conversion ads on Pinterest ,Facebook and Instagram and scale lol. thanks for all the help guys

14 0 4

I saw someone had a solution.  I am in the exact same boat as you!  I tried to open a shop before my site was live and also password protected.  I feel your misery.  In case you didn't see the other person's is the link.  Bookmark it!!!!

Something seriously needs to be done about this Facebook issue.  Even just trying to figure out the workaround with publishing a shop is confusing and ridiculous.  I have been battling it for about 4 months.  My issue is that it seems that my FB Profile, my FB Page, my FB Commerce account/Shop (can't be published) and my Shopify are not syncing up properly.  I am responsible for all of them, and yet it thinks someone else owns the FB Shop.  So dumb!

Anyways, hope that helps!



Shopify Partner
4 0 1
Hi - the link you sent is the one for Facebook Contact. Do you have the
link to the discussion with the person who had the same issue please?
14 0 4


I went back and was able to locate the original thread :

I tried using the Facebook contact form link that was included in that post, but I haven't heard anything yet from their support team.  I'm thinking there's no one on the receiving end.

Let me know if you figure anything out!  

Hope that helps!!!

13 0 10

Eventually someone will answer... It's either someone following a script to the T or a bot.


Either way you won't get any help after asked to check a bunch of things that I'm sure your already checked.


They'll say they have to transfer your case to a "higher tier" and you'll never hear back from them again.

14 0 4


I did actually get help!!!  I was able to contact a real live person...I was able to choose between email help or chat. I chose email.  This link will get you one on one help through FB. 

Good Luck!!!

13 0 10
That will get you to a dead end whwre they'll tell you "your problem is
unique and needs to be handled by higher tier support" and you'll never be
contacted again.

But hope I'm wrong. Good luck
14 0 4

Trust works!!! It does in fact take you to actual people.  I am currently dealing with 2 representatives and their response time was within 2 hours.  I have never received that generic reply of "your reply is unique...."

It is definitely not an auto reply or a generic answer.  They answered in great detail all of my issues.  I originally didn't think they replied because it went to my junk folder.  I only found out that they were replying because I went back and put in a 2nd request for help and chose a different email, which didn't go to junk.  That rep informed me the cases number for my original request and now I am dealing with a representative who is actually trying to help me solve the issues.

There is help!!! It's just so shocking how hard it was to find it and how little help there is to find it!!!  

Bookmark this link!!!  In case you ever need it!!!  The other way I was able to reach help was through Facebooks Commerce Account Settings.  I selected General and then hit EDIT, and clicked on Deactivate Commerce Account, and then in that little pop up window, it has a link to contact Support.

Good Luck!!!

17 0 11

Well you are one of the lucky ones. I have been round and round in circles with them. I kept getting a different person dealing with my issue each time they sent me an email. Most of the questions I had they couldn't or wouldn't answer. I even went through the eligibility criteria and showed them that every single one I complied with. They said I had to "demonstrate trustworthiness", I told them they needed to practice what they preached then as they haven't demonstrated trustworthiness to me as they approved me for Instagram Shopping, I opened a shop on there, then they rejected me for Facebook Shopping so they took my Instagram shop down too. It still states in my Commerce Account that I have been approved for Instagram Shopping then further down on the same page it says "Your shop can't be published". That's like having a sign that says "Touch, don't touch". It makes no sense. I still get emails saying I can tag products and my shop is now optimized, yet I can't open a shop. Now if I was approved for Instagram shopping then surely I have passed their eligibility criteria, otherwise they would have rejected that also.

14 0 4

100% understand your frustration.  I actually am still having trouble...I didn't say they will fix,,,,just that for almost 3 months of dealing with this issue, I finally found a way to contact someone, doesn't mean i'll get an answer!!!

I'm about ready to just give up on having a "shop" on Facebook completely and just keep selling through Markeplace and through my page and direct traffic to the website hopefully.
FB has some serious bugs with this program.    If you every get your issues solved...reply here so you can tell me!
