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Spent hours searching and watching Youtube videos for a solution and found nothing. Extremely frustrated because I was supposed to launch my site and then FB ads hours ago. I'll use images to make this easier to understand.
I recently tried installing Facebook Pixel onto my new store but it isn't working.
The first time I installed it, I used the Pixel ID method:
I copy and pasted my Pixel ID from the FB Events Manager (and made sure that all 15 numbers of the ID was copied):
I clicked SAVE and tried to send test traffic, but the status was still not active (red dot).
I checked if the pixel was installed correctly by refreshing my website and using the Chrome extension Facebook Pixel Helper:
I thought that maybe it took time for the pixel to integrate into my store so I waited an hour. After an hour, the status finally changed to Active (green dot).
Great. It seems to be working. I tried firing for more data to see if it updated the pixel, but there was no change. I thought it took time so I waited an hour. During this hour I clicked everywhere on my site to hopefully update the pixel. No change after an hour and the pixel stopped updating at all.
I checked Facebook Pixel Helper and it still says that no pixels found. Strange.
So I thought that maybe I had to install the pixel code MANUALLY myself by copy and pasting a code.
I followed the instructions in the picture below:
I copied the code EXACTLY and pasted it into theme.liquid (where the main header should be):
After saving, I checked the Pixel Helper and the Pixel Helper icon finally turned on.
I tried firing for more data to see if it updated the pixel, but there was no change. I thought it took time so I waited an hour. During this hour I clicked everywhere on my site to hopefully update the pixel. No change at all.
The Pixel Helper should also update every time I click on something (like Add To Cart), but the Pixel Helper doesn't update at all.
I checked the Pixel Helper and it said this:
I Googled this error but there was no solution anywhere.
I tried the "Test Events" feature in the Facebook Events Manager, but still no recent activity:
I'm so stumped.
Possible solutions I found online that did NOT work for me:
Please help if you can as I am overdue in time. I hope my pictures made it clear.
I sincerely thank you in advance.
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Hi John,
I recommend working with Shopify's standard pixel implementation as you started, and looks like it was working,
you've reached the point where the pixel is marked green "Active", from this point you should work with the Pixel helper, and at this point it should trigger events.
The pixel analytics on Facebook on the other hand has some delay, and with Pixel helper you can see events triggered live.
If you roll back (make sure to not leaving codes that may cause duplicate events) and it's still not working, please share your Store address and i'll be happy to take a look.
All the best,
This is an accepted solution.
Hi John,
Looks like the pixel helper is finding the pixel, and all works well and with events (excepts for a warning about "This pixel is not paired with any product catalog.") than it will probably show active soon on the FB Pixels page.
All the best!
This is an accepted solution.
Hi, great hope it works out for you!
Since we both see a different status, it could very much be because the java-scripts of the events you tested are still loaded in your browser history, and the pixel helper ,js tend to get stuck in browser history, still thinks that you have the old configuration, try to clear the browser history and see if that helps.
All the best!
This is an accepted solution.
Hi John,
I recommend working with Shopify's standard pixel implementation as you started, and looks like it was working,
you've reached the point where the pixel is marked green "Active", from this point you should work with the Pixel helper, and at this point it should trigger events.
The pixel analytics on Facebook on the other hand has some delay, and with Pixel helper you can see events triggered live.
If you roll back (make sure to not leaving codes that may cause duplicate events) and it's still not working, please share your Store address and i'll be happy to take a look.
All the best,
Hi Sam,
Thank you for your reply.
As you suggested, I published a backup Theme I saved from a few days ago so there should be no leftover code of the pixel. However, I'm back to square one where the Pixel Helper is back to gray color saying "no pixel found". So no events seem to be triggering live. I even created a Custom Conversion in the Events Manager (ViewContent for my /collections page), but the status still says "No Activity Yet". My address is and the pass is 8888. Please let me know how this can be fixed. Also if you have Skype or some type of instant messaging (fb), that would be a better way to communicate. I'm not sure how to send private messages on here.
Thanks again,
This is an accepted solution.
Hi John,
Looks like the pixel helper is finding the pixel, and all works well and with events (excepts for a warning about "This pixel is not paired with any product catalog.") than it will probably show active soon on the FB Pixels page.
All the best!
Oh wow I don't understand why the Pixel Helper works for you, but is still grayed out for me (even after reinstalling the Pixel Helper Chrome extension and clearing cookies/cache). I hope you can provide suggestions. Thank you for verifying by the way.
This is an accepted solution.
Hi, great hope it works out for you!
Since we both see a different status, it could very much be because the java-scripts of the events you tested are still loaded in your browser history, and the pixel helper ,js tend to get stuck in browser history, still thinks that you have the old configuration, try to clear the browser history and see if that helps.
All the best!
The Pixel Helper seems to be working now. Thank you for all your help! You're the best.
To start getting sales with Facebook ads for your Shopify store, I recommend using Dynamic Ads and track conversions of people who added to cart or purchased and automatically target similar people. We've invented a new concept app that does all that and more, dedicated to Shopify stores, can help you get there fast from your first audience targeting to full optimization
All the best!
I am experiencing the same problem. Pixel helper shows it is working, but FB still shows not activity found. I have tried across multiple browsers and on a computer and phone. My website is
Hi, my issue with the pixel is that even after following all the steps exactly as the hundreds of tutorials online and on the shopify prompts, my store still does not show that it is active, its says "Last Active Never"
but when i see the facebook helper with my website open, it finds the pixel, what is all that about?
I'm having this same issue, the pixel helper is tracking everything perfectly, but the actual facebook pixel on event manager isn't detecting it, what do i do please help.
Exact same issue here
Exact same issue too! It's driving me insane!
Facebook Helper: "You're good man!"
Facebook Event Manager: "You suck!! No activity!!"
I'm out here feeling dumb when I swear I'm doing it right.
I had the same problem with this and I'm not new to setting up pixels on websites. I was very confused as the pixel helper could see it, but ads manager wasn't getting anything.Previously, I had used the shop preferences with the correct pixel ID and the pixel helper didn't find it. I then installed the code manually and the pixel helper found it but I still couldn't get ads manager to see it.
The solve was to go to events manager and then click on settings.
I scrolled down and turned on both "Enable full use of Customer Data under our Business Tools Terms from this data source unless an event has a Limited Data Use flag" and
Holy crap THIS WORKED!!!!!
Where did you find this setting? I am having trouble finding that
Hello Nick, I have the same problem and have been dealing with it for days ...unfortunately. Can you send a screenshot of where exactly you clicked on "Settings"?
Hi,I meet same problem.This My store address:"". I don't have any adblocker,And set pixel number, but the status is no event received. plz help me.
Hi Samco, Can you help me with this problem as well? I've been working on it for days but still haven't found the error.
Hi Sam, May you please help me out, I'm having a terrible time, nothing seems to be working for me, my Pixel does not seem active and it does not show errors, I have no idea what to do, plus My shop was rejected for no reason on Instagram and Facebook. Please help me out
hey sam,
im having a similar issuer installing the facebook pixel. however, all the solutions here dont work either. hopefully you can help me.
ive spend hours already researching, trying different things, talking to experts and talking to the shopify support. however, the facebook shopify extension simply doesn't install it. in neither find the pixel in the facebook ads manager afterwards nor with the facebook pixel helper. there must be a technical issue. when i install it manually via copypasting the pixel code in my shopify code it does work and the facebook pixel helper tool + the ad manager detect the pixel, however, this way the pixel wont be installed in the shopify checkout which is crucial obviously for tracking addtocarts and purchases.
maybe this is due to the fact that ive changed from my shopify instance to a new instance but i dont know. however, ive deleted the pixel on the old shopify instance in all possible way, also in the code. i cannot find a facebook code in the old shopify instance.
also after installing the facebook pixel with the facebook shopify extension on the new shopify instance i cannot find any facebook pixel code in shopify's code at all. so i guess the extension has a bug in this case and simply doesnt install it. this is what you might also see on the attached screenshots which show the installation process:
- screenshot 1: the facebook manager the pixel integration already says "active", however, the pixel is obviously not and it also says "active" even if after i deinstalled it.
- screenshot 2: the pixel is not detected after installing it
- screenshot 3: when i connect my shopify account to meta it also already directly says "active" after a mili-second. i didn't even need to type in my URL and send test traffic (compared to when i try it with a new pixel). also, with the new test pixel the installation of this pixel doesn't work. it doesn't say "active" in this process after i sent test traffic to the website. therefore i conclude that there must be an error with the facebook extension and installing the pixel in my case.
- screenshot 4: you can see the ive set up everything correctly in the facebook shopify app.
PLEASE help asap since i'm already spent hour and i cannot use facebook as an advertising method for my shop since 2 weeks.
thanks and best
I just had the same problem and while reading the help articles I had an epiphany and fixed mine instantly.
Solution: Turn off Ad Blocker while you are sending the test traffic. It worked for me!
Thx god and all help answering this question. I clear all history and uninstall the ad-block and wait for an hour, try again, it works. It took me half day to solve it. Again, thank you!
I have the pixel installed on my site but in the event manager on Facebook when I put my Website it doesn't work and says "A pixel wasn't detected on this website. Check that the URL you entered is correct or use Test Events to make sure you have a pixel set up on this website"
I have tried to turn off AD blocker, Please suggest if you have any other solution to this.
@RyanJohnson03 wrote:I just had the same problem and while reading the help articles I had an epiphany and fixed mine instantly.
Solution: Turn off Ad Blocker while you are sending the test traffic. It worked for me!
that doesn't work for me bro even after clearing cache and cookies
i had the same issue as most of you. pixel is shown active when using chrome fb pixel helper, but wasn't able to verify connection through facebook. it would say "no activity yet..last received: never."
i finally got it to activate today!! not sure exactly which changes i made did the magic, but i did a couple things simultaneously:
1. cleared ALL-TIME browsing history through Chrome
after about 20 minutes i did the next two steps.
2. in fb pixel page, "setting" tab, i enabled everything (Limited Data use, Advanced Matching, etc)
3. for my website URL before hitting 'Send Test Traffic' i used format rather than just
it's possible that step 1 had fixed the problem entirely...but since i did all 3 steps before hitting 'send test traffic' it's worth giving steps 1-3 a shot!! Good luck. i know this can be frustrating.
I have the pixel installed on my site but in the event manager on Facebook when I out my URL it doesn't work and says "A pixel wasn't detected on this website. Check that the URL you entered is correct or use Test Events to make sure you have a pixel set up on this website"
I have tried to turn off the AD blocker, Please suggest if you have any other solution to this.
I have the same problem. I follow what you did and check on another computer. It works. No need to do anything else.
My problem is not copying the code from FB to paste on theme.liquid. Just thought that integration with Shopify is enough but it wasn't :))
if you setup pixel correct way just visit your website and send data . after a few min it showing active . if you using Mozilla firefox you need to stop tracking block option
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