Fashionopolism Theme - Cart delete button, product add or subtract not working

Fashionopolism Theme - Cart delete button, product add or subtract not working

27 0 8



It started yesterday, Friday morning Nov 10. Several customers can't remove a product from the shopping cart and I've confirmed it doesn't work. Also in the cart, the '+' and '-' will change the quantity but not update the extended price. Those quantity changes get lost when you leave the cart and come back. I can go back to the original theme installation before any code modifications and things are still broken. I'm running Fashionopolism 6.7.7 and I am close to launching Fashionopolism 9.2.0. The newest version is also broken. I tried to contact theme support and the theme provider sent an automated response saying they were closed observing remembrance day on Friday. So it will be at least two days before I see a response and longer to get someone to look at. If I download a free theme such as Dawn, the cart works correctly. Anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this before Monday? I don't have a background in editing code but I am able to edit small stuff. 


Thank you in advance,


Replies 2 (2)

27 0 8

I'm not sure what dependency my shopping cart has on other service providers but this morning it started functioning again. Is this a Shopify thing? Ajax? or something else? If it's my theme specifically and other themes don't have this dependency on outside integrations, I'd like to look at switching to a different theme.

27 0 8

On Friday, shopify said everything was fine, we are not to blame, carts are functioning normally. Today we know better, my rep admitted that a shopify update caused our shopping cart functionality issue. They have since rolled back the update, here is the message I received. 


1:12 pm
Hi Grant,
Thank you for reaching out to Shopify Support.
I can confirm that there was indeed a recent update to Shopify that temporarily caused some issues with certain themes. However, this update has been rolled back, and we have been working closely with theme providers to ensure that all issues have been resolved. No need to worry I will personally take care of this for you 🙂


First, personally take care of what?

Second, I'm growing very tired of shopify's pushing of updates, especially before a weekend and having nowhere to report problems. Whether its a pos or web system update, where does a store owner go to report issues? Why can't there be a 'report problem' link on the shopify status page?

Looking at the shopify changelog, there is nothing to show this update or that it was rolled back.


Frustrated store owner.