finding the perfect price to sell my item for

finding the perfect price to sell my item for

9 0 0

The cost of my shirt is $15.44 , I am offering FREE SHIPPING $3.99


I did what the article said...Take the--> COST x  50% .....and got a low gross margin %33.33  😥 that def would it my prof.


Screenshot 2025-01-24 044916.png











on the second screenshot. i left the cost as is..and mark up 25.94% on top of the 50% for a total of 75.94

the  25.94 % is equal to the amount of the shipping 3.99

Screenshot 2025-01-24 044131.png











is this correct? is this a good-fair sales price?

Daniel Flores
Reply 1 (1)
9 0 0

i see, what is your pragmatic approach ?


Daniel Flores