Re: Force customer to pick location before adding something to cart

Force customer to pick location before adding something to cart

1 0 3

Hi there!

I have an 8 location shop that mimics our bricks and mortar stores.

Inventory is always slightly different in different locations.

We offer curbside pickup, delivery, and do not ship.


Currently, our customers shop, then they pick a location, and they may get error messages based on inventory levels and radius clauses.

Most multi-location websites make you pick a store before you can shop, without logging on.


How do I force my customers to pick a location BEFORE they start shopping, without logging in? Thanks for reading!

Replies 3 (3)

1 0 0

Hi, I have the same need as you.


Best Regards,


Guillaume BERTRAND

Shopify Partner
12 0 0

Hi, were you able to solve this?  I have the same problem and our concern is the best logical in using the multi-locations store.  I wonder why Shopify didn't able to think of this...  In terms of customer journey, it's a waste of time allowing them to add to cart and then when they select the location in the cart, that product is out of stock!

Shopify Partner
20 0 0

You can achieve this by using Liquid on the front end to display stock from all 8 locations to your customers. This way, they can choose a location based on available stock. Additionally, you can implement a restriction using JavaScript that allows customers to select only one location, simplifying the fulfillment process.

I also recommend checking out my recent app, Multi Location Stock Info, which is designed to show inventory. It supports filtering out locations which doesnt deliver to customers location. It might be just what you need!