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Today I received and email that seems to be fraudulent. Threatening to close my store of failure to fulfill orders timely. I have sent this email to your  Is there anything else i need to do?


This is the email:


We’re writing to let you know that as of Dec. 13th, 2021 (12:00 am), your store will no longer be available on Shopify.
We've recently contacted you via the email on various reports of unfulfilled orders filed by your customers.
What do I need to do?
These reports included that various attempts to contact you yielded no positive results. Shopify does not support any form of fraudulent eCommerce practices hence your Shopify store has been flagged for review.
To continue using Shopify services you will need to perform the following verification:
• Proof of delivery for any of your products (not older than two months)
• Proof of business ownership
• Identity verification

Login to continue with this verification

After completing this verification all affected orders will displayed for proper handling. You'll be assigned an agent to help you resolve this order dispute.
What happens if I don’t respond?
We have reviewed the reports we received and they have be tagged "genuine". If this verification is not completed before the stated date above Shopify will place a charge-back on the bank account associated with your store.



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If you suspect the email is fraudulent simply forward it to Shopify's safety inbox at

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
- For consulting work availability, please send me a Private Message or submit a ✍️Contact Form.
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