Google Consent Mode V2 Affecting Conversion Rate?

Google Consent Mode V2 Affecting Conversion Rate?

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Hey all,


We have been experiencing a significant drop in conversion since implementing Google consent mode V2.
Drop off is significant & there are no other notable offering changes that I can see making an impact. 
Interested to know if anyone is experiencing something similar?


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Shopify Partner
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Hi @Holly_LeClaires 


This is Mike from Consentik


Are you using any cookie banner app or implementing the Google Consent Mode V2 manually?


Base on Google document:
The traffic will be lost if customers decline cookie banner but if you implement consent mode correctly, you need at least 7 days for enough data to report the uplift.

If you find this helpful, please give it a like or mark it as a solution.
Consentik GDPR Cookie Banner: Effortlessly stay in compliance with EU GDPR and CCPA with Google Consent Mode V2. Free plan available and 24/7 Support