Google search ranking

Google search ranking

1 0 0

Hi, I noticed sales lately have been down and I was trying to figure out what's going on with my website.

When looking for specific products, I noticed that sometimes my shop is basically invisible.

Example: I searched for DJECO OMBRELLO 

and I don't come up at all in the Google search results, in the images or in the Google sponsored results.

other brands I seem to be positioned ok. 

What do you recommend doing to fix this? I have the brand listed in the title and in the heading of the description. I have umbrella in the product type, I have Djeco as the vendor and I have the image alt text as "Ombrello Djeco Cambia Colore Medio - Facce - Apple Pie"

What else can I do?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
83 2 16

Hi @jenniferma ,

Can you share a link to your website and also a page(product or collection) which in your opinion should have ranked for the keyword DJECO OMBRELLO?

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