Have a default view in the Admin Product List page

Have a default view in the Admin Product List page

Shopify Partner
26 1 11



Is there any way to assign a particular view (e.g. Active) in the Admin Product List page as the default view rather than having to click on it each time you select the page?






Replies 10 (10)

48 1 97

@siric, I would love to be able to set the default to Active.

I don't know why Active isn't the default view. Why would you always want to see your Archived products? Isn't that why you archived them?

Shopify Partner
26 1 11

@Noah_D ,


I didn't mention Archived as the default view,  I mentioned Active.  But I believe that you should be able to set any view as default.  



12 0 14

I have spoken with Shopify Plus support to ask this question. There is not currently a way to set your own default view on the product admin page. Hopefully this will get pushed through as a feature request, or at the very least change the default view across all stores to active. I can't imagine any merchants use the all view more than the active view. There's a reason we archive products, I don't want to see them and then have to deliberately switch to just my active products. 

12 0 14

Ugh, an update just went out on the default view for products and it's worse than it was. While the new default view for products seems to only show my active products (that's great), it now sorts them by most recent instead of alphabetically. Shopify, if you were making an update to the default view in products, can you at least give us the option to set our own default view? Some people might want to see newest items, I don't, I want them listed alphabetically. This update (including all new sort defaults) is a big thumbs down from me. Please give us the ability to set our own index page defaults, you're never going to have one default that is best for everyone. 

48 1 97

@ShiftSetGo My admin product page sort is currently defaulting to sorting by Created (Newest first), but is still showing archived products if I change the sort order to oldest first.


I 100% agree with you that we should be able to set our own default view and there will never be a default that is best for everyone.

5 0 1

I have been Googling this issue all morning, finally found this post.  There should be no reason we can't change the default view, ugh, it's so annoying.  Thanks for asking this!


9 1 8

+1 for this feature PLZ

9 1 8

BTW you can do this as a bookmark, see this query string at the end of your URL when you click "active"


Still, there should be a way to set a default.

8 0 0

This is a great solution thanks....

1 0 0

Going off the "redirect" idea... I tried to put the base link for "Products" into the redirection engine using the full URL of the admin... and then have it automagically redirect to the ACTIVE view/query... but no luck. The redirection engine is only keying off the primary domain 🙄. That would've been a good solution, because if I still needed to hack the "ALL" view, I could've just added an extra/dead param on the querystring. But that use case is so infrequent relative to having it just to to the ACTIVE product list... ugh. Please @Shopify .... allow us to fix this somehow?