Hi,I wanna hide a product from search results

Hi,I wanna hide a product from search results

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Ho,please help me ..I needed to create a duplicate of a product,but this variant I wanna hide it from my search results, how I can make it?

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how I can make it?


How many such products do you have on your store? 
Because achieving this your pagination result wouldn't work as expected. 

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You can use robots.txt or noindex meta for this, also at GSC(Google search console) you need to remove those products 

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- Here is the solution for you @sao 
- Please follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a custom definition

From your shop’s admin screen, click Settings at the bottom left of the main menu. Click Custom Data > Products



Click Add Definition.


Name the definition ‘Hide from Search’ (or a similar name of your choice).

Under Namespace and key, enter: seo.hidden

Click Select type and choose Integer and One value.

In the Access option, select Storefronts.

Your screen should look like the below:




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Step 2: Add metafield to add-on product

Once you’ve added the meta field, a new panel will show up at the very bottom of the product edit screen. Click the metafield and change it to a 1, then Save your product.


All done, your product will no longer show up when someone searches for it in your shop’s search bar, and search results


- Please press 'Like' and mark it as 'Solution' if you find it helpful. Thank you. @sao 

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💯 answer from @BSS-TekLabs 


Side note - setting seo.hidden=1 does two things:

  1. Hides product from showing in your internal site search results.
  2. Hides that product page from showing in Google organic search results.
    This is delayed because the inserted noindex tag in <head> takes time (usually days to weeks) for Google to pick up and action. But you can speed this up by using GSC to request a recrawl of a single page or do a page removal.
Part time Shopify SEO, based in NZ. Sometimes freelance outside the 9-5.