Re: Hide Shipping address map

Hide Shipping address map

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Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 10.59.58 PM.pngI used to be able to hide the shipping location map on order summary page by pasting this code into the additional scripts section in checkout settings.


.map.default-background {
display: none;


Since the updated checkout it no longer works. 


How do I hide the map now??

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
883 105 136

Hi @Jays1 


Can you share with me the link? I will hide the map for you. 


Thank you

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883 105 136

Hi @Jays1 


Can you share with me the store link to check further? 


Thank you

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Hello LizHoang,


Can you walk us through how (and where) to hide the map? 

Settings > Checkout > Additional Scripts has been deprecated

checkout.liquid has also been deprecated


Where else can one hide the map?  Hope you can shed some light for us.


Thank you for your help!