Hiding products in the featured collection carousel

Hiding products in the featured collection carousel

New Member
11 0 0

Hello! I am looking to use the featured collection carousel in the palo alto theme to display an image and some text instead of a product. Currently it allows you to use 5 "promo" cards which is what I am using to display my image and text however its showing products as well which I don't need. Just looking to remove or hide the products from the carousel or use a different section to achieve the same look.Screenshot 2023-07-07 124350.png

Replies 3 (3)
New Member
11 0 0

Thank you so much for the quick response and guidance! I don't have a section labeled featured-collection but I believe I located the code responsible for the product rendering is this it? And if so do you happen to know what should be removed?Screenshot 2023-07-07 131616.png

New Member
11 0 0

Or maybe its this section of code? I tried deleting some lines and it seems to affect the entire featured collection section. code.png

New Member
11 0 0

If its not too much trouble I would be so grateful for your assistance.