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Thanks for reading and I hope you are making lot of money online 😄
I am trying to change blog url, For example
Current URL structure:
From the url all the parts are clear, Except one. The word "Blogs" in the URL, I am looking a way to remove that or change the text.
Any idea how can I do it ?
Hi, Ronald!
My name is Ava, I’m one of Shopify’s Gurus and I’m here to help 🙂
I'm afraid there would be no way to remove the 'blogs' section of the URL path. The '' would be the root part of the URL structure, and part of Shopify core, so you would not be able to edit this. This URL path structure is there in order to tell the domain which direction to point when directing to different sections for your store, so the same would be true of other URL's within Shopify. For example, you would not be able to remove the 'products' section of ''.
You would be free to edit anything in the URL after the root though! In the example you shave given above that would be the "category-name/how-to-make-nice-photo-frame".
There is a guide here on how to change the URL, if you scroll to 'Change a blog's web address', you can see instructions there!
You do have an alternate option though! If you wanted, you could host your blog on a third party site (for example, WordPress). That way, you could link your blog in the navigation section of Shopify to redirect to the third party hosting site. This way you would have more creative control of the Blogs URL structure!
Let me know if you have any more questions, happy to help!
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Ava | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi Ava, analog to Ronald's question regarding changing the name of the root part of the URL, I would also like to see the word "/blog" instead of "/blogs". This is for the reason the word is most commonly used as an "uncountable" noun, as in, "hey have you read their blog?", or "great blog post", etc. Same goes for words like "gas" "milk" "rice" "information" etc. Thanks for your help and taking this into consideration on the Shopify core as it lends for a more professional presentation.
Hi, @nblout!
That's a good point, I've clarified this with our Theme Support team for a more in-depth reason as to why the URLs are set up this way. The team let me know that it is 'blog' and not 'blogs' because you can have multiple types of blogs with articles within one URL. For example, you could have news, recipes, daily updates, etc which all have articles within them.
I can definitely submit this to our internal team to be reviewed as a possible future feature of the admin though. As our platform is constantly growing and improving, our team love to get feedback from our merchants on what features/edits they need to improve their workflow. So once I submit this as a feature request on your behalf, our team can review the request. So hopefully, this can be something that is available in the future.
There is never a guarantee that a request will get a Green Light, *or* make it to a product launch, but we really do appreciate you reaching out with your suggestion, as I’m sure you’re not the only merchant with this request.
While we would not have a specific timeline for how long that might take, you can definitely keep an eye on our announcements page. We will post any new updates or developments there!
Let me know if you have any more questions, happy to help!
Social Care
Ava | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi, Ava —
You mentioned that it was possible to change the "category-name/title" part of a URL, and I am able to see and change the title part. I would like to totally eliminate the category name, as it makes the URL look less professional. Is that possible? If not, I hope you can ask the developers to enable that option. It's on every other blogging software I've used (which makes me assume it's not all that difficult), and it makes for much cleaner URLs. Thank you!
Hi, @jcwords!
I'm afraid that is not possible at the moment. It is possible to change the words used in the category-name/title part of the URL, but it is not possible to add to/remove from/re-organize the URL structure. I will definitely raise this request up to our development team though! I believe it is a common request, so hopefully, it is something that can be made available in the future.
As I mentioned, While we would not have a specific timeline for when it may happen, you can keep an eye on our announcements page for updates.
Thanks for your patience!
Social Care
Ava | Social Care @ Shopify
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Simply add a URL redirect:
If you add /blog to go to your /blogs/blog URL, it works.
Ie. I added a redirect from to
There's a real serious problem here that Shopify needs to address asap. This is because, as I've just found out from my Google Ads guys is that last year Google stopped crawling pages where the URL contained the word blog. This was a decision taken by Google in order to prevent sites that are using this to increase their status on Google search by posting loads of blogs, etc. It's part of their trying to return only quality search results.
This is a serious issue as I'm sure all can appreciate that Google is not crawling our blogs, so we need to be able to have the ability to change the URL from blog to something different or have blog taken out from the URL equation all together so that if you wanted to see news it would be not as Google won't crawl the latter!
Hi Friends,
Could it be possible to change URL structure in blog pages. I mean:
Is it possible to remove that "news/" from the URL in somewhere editing code?
I hate to call anyone out; but for this post - I can say with first hand experience that Google is not doing that. Maybe thats their future ‘plan’ and with Google its common that they test it with 1% of users or a specific geographic area and pretty much 80% of Google’s ‘plans’ end up just being scrapped after a short testing period. 20% end up live and even when that happens; they allow years of explaining this before they start to ‘ding’ sites for this.
Remember the major ‘whole website SSL’ recommendation Google gave us in 2017(?) or earlier.... It wasn’t until late 2018 which they started putting some ‘https’ sites ahead.... 2019 was the year where the browser went live that changed the game and therefore everyone had to be https or they would look bad on Google Chrome browsers. Yet, even then; we had competitors with ‘http’ links ranking over our ‘https’ links in 2020.
Point is like my other post I wrote in this topic, don’t focus on things like this. There has been *ONE* core thing that Google says and has been saying for over 15 years now and yet everyone focuses on minor changes/tests vs the most important ranking factor. Google recommends that you create a blog post with *GOOD* content, written well, they want to see customers staying on that page for long periods and not bouncing off the page due to poor content. Google also wants to see people sharing the blog post as the content is AMAZING. The facts are very very basic and once this is done and done well - THEN fine tune details like ‘blog’ vs ‘blogs’ in the URL or no ‘blog’ at all in the URL. The facts are there is more content written in 1 day than if you took every word written in history as we know it..... So imagine just how much content that is that’s posted daily.... Google is all for content being good and written for the users; the users are your #1 benefit and they will share good content.
The ironic thing if you just Google “Blogs” or “Top Blogging Tips” = Some of the most competitive keywords on the web right now and the majority of them included /blog/ in their URL and were in the top 3 ranked in google for organic listings.....
Sorry! I really hate going against a fellow Shopify User & Partner but I don’t want to put things in people’s head to get them over thinking simple things then they should be focusing on writing the most amazing piece of content there is about the topic your writing about..... Then market it and share it on ALL social media channels, boost the post w/ $10, invite comments and shares. Go on Fiverr or Odesk and hire someone to create a video for $15 + $15 professional voice over and insert the video in the post as well as have the blog video transcribed and posted on YouTube, Vimeo, Etc. Linking back to original blog.... Again, remember how much content is out there - you MUST market your blog post to win.... The LEAST thing you should be worried about is your URL to be honest at this point unless your site has authority where your posting a blog post and your on top 5 pages of Google within a month; then the little details will matter but I guarantee your blog post isn’t on Google unless you posted a sitemap to Google Search Console after a month.....or it may show up but on page 8,250.... Facts are 90% of users never go to page 2 even...
I hold us ‘professionals’ ‘ ‘Shopify Partners’ in a different light as its our job to give best advice to our customers; so this is not meant to say “your wrong” - I feel my job is to put other Shopify Ecom Sites best interest #1. Thats my only goal with this.
So, as an ecommerce site, "blogs" doesn't exactly sound professional. It would be great to change it to "articles" or something similar, but blogs just has that casual feeling to it.... any way to change the name of "blogs" overall?
3 years on since OP first posted this issue, any fix?
I too would like my blog URL to be
P.S. Why have more than one blog anyway? I would have a guess that 1 in 100 sites have more than one blog.
@ZeroWasteCo I'd love to see a source proving this claim that Google stopped crawling pages containing "blog" is true.
I'm sure it's NOT true.
One example, of thousands, is Ahrefs blog. They use /blog/ in their URL structure. They have a hugely successful blog and are one of the most prominent names in SEO, and their blog web pages are definitely crawled/indexed in Google.
Having "blog" in the URL is a non-issue.
The ideal way to do what your looking to do is the following:
Just remember that doing a ‘sub domain’ - Google looks at that as a 100% separate site than your core domain ‘’. In my experience most people don’t create blogs to just write letters and expecting no benefits out of them... The *point* behind a blog and your question is to help build authority, links, audience, etc.
So trust me; this will get very confusing. I suggest choosing a path and focusing on GOOD content (30%) and focus on marketing and sharing that content (70%) and again - trust me by the time you figure out a plan you will get much farther with Shopify’s default option. I can say that I have blog posts showing up on page 1 of Google for very very competitive search terms.
*IF* you use a ‘app’ or ‘iFrame’ to get around the default structure; you will likely loose all SEO value or a major amount of it. Redirects do not pass thru 100% of the redirects. Google does not index inside of a iFrame as far as my knowledge and Google’s best practices. They actually do not recommend iFrames for content on a page.
I’d be happy to talk to you on the phone about this and share my experiences (I wish someone gave me this advice a LONG time ago to be honest with you). Feel free to email me at
Good Luck & Happy Selling!
I want to change my blog to where it has the url so that I can link it up with and hopefully monetize it. I tried this redirect message but it's telling me it only works with broken links? Is there a way to make this happen? If I can leverage whatever audience I get on this page and send them to my publications I can make money from Thanks in advance for your help everyone!
I too would like to see my blogs urls as: instead of the But it won't let me from creating awesome new blog posts every week, as (even with the long urls) my blog posts are ranking fine.
Hi Ava, Is there a specific Shopify resource you can provide for how to host a shopify blog onto Wordpress?
Hey, @Andresfep! Just so I'm sure on how to best answer you, can you give me a little more context on what you'd like to do here? Do you have a WordPress site and you want to feed your Shopify blogs onto that site? Or is it the other way around; bring your WordPress blog onto your Shopify site?
Ava | Social Care @ Shopify
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Any news?
Hey, @mahnunchik
At this time, our URL structure is still hardcoded into our system as such. If you would like, I can pass this feedback up to our development team for potential future implementation.
If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi @Dirk Our store is looking for this feature as well, we too would like the option to change the "Blogs" to either just "blog" or something more custom such as "flower-blog". We see any future improvement to the blog section to be highly valuable as we continue to develop SEO rich content for our customers and our domain.
Hey, @Tarantinos
We really appreciate your input on suggesting the ability to edit the URL slugs. Although we don't have a timetable on this being considered to roll-out as a feature, we certainly appreciate the feedback. This helps us steer the direction of the Shopify to continue developing a feature rich platform.
Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify
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Sure happy to help,
We have an excited development team here at and are happy to help push any new feature, API or other improvement to it's max. Please feel free to use us for feedback - or to test any beta features you're looking to implement.
Is there any update for this feature?
Actually, I really want to change the default URL structure, the current is so unfriendly for SEO.
If I can't remove the '/blog/' item, could I remove the 'category' item?
Hi @hichris,
While there is no update to this as yet, I will be sure to add your comments to the feedback we provide internally.
Shopify has built-in search engine optimization (SEO) to make sure that search engines can easily find all of your content, but there are a few other steps you can take in the meantime as outlined in our guide Optimizing your site structure for search engines.
I hope that helps in the meantime!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Andrew,
I know that, but this problem has been there for many years.
I saw many people complain about this because it's really bad for SEO.
Hope you can fix it in the future.
The feedback it seems has been passed on for years, but no movement on a very basic issue. Wordpress is a dream compared.
22 144 views and more than four years later and this is still an issue ??
Yep, lol
Going into the 5th year or 10th year I've been with Shopify, still can't change this hardcoded URL structure. help!
Hello Ava
Thanks for the wordpress suggestion, it opens door to new possibilites.
Can I add Wordpress Blog on Shopify domain ?
For example If user opens, Instead of shopify blog it opens Wordpress blog and that too without redirecting to another domain.
Hi again, Ronald!
It would not be possible to open a WordPress blog on Shopify domain without it redirecting to another domain. There is an option to add a Wordpress iframe though! An iframe is used to display a web page within a web page. There is a tutorial here that goes through how to add a piece of code to your blog template that will allow your WordPress blog show up inside your Shopify blog post.
This would be quite custom, so it would be outside of the scope of support we would be able to offer here. However, if you are having some difficulty, I would suggest reaching out to a Shopify Expert. You can post a job on the Shopify Experts Page and see what feedback and quotes you get. You can find where and how to do this here.
Let me know if that works for you!
Social Care Guru |
Ava | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi Ava,
Can you tell me why my Blog page URL is appearing like
Wherein it should appear as
And when I click on blog post it should be like
Can you help me fix this
I can't believe it's been years and nothing has changed. I think just having the root domain as "blogs" is silly, it should be "blog". I would actually just like to change it to "blog" and be fine with that, or ideally, add a custom root domain. Shopify should really just make it singular, not sure why they made it plural to start with.
Hi there @DavidR2D2!
Thanks for chiming in here to share your feedback with the Community!
What I can do for you from here is to file this feedback with our developer team internally, so they know this is being sought-after by our merchants.
While we can't confirm if a given request will be processed, we do rely upon and appreciate getting these requests from our Community.
To keep up to date with any changes or new features added to Shopify, I'd recommend you check out our Changelog page here.
All the best!
Don | Social Care @ Shopify
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We know that, but does your team really care about this?
This problem had been out there for many years, I saw many people complained about this issue.
I don't know what should I say.
Hi again, @hichris!
I can confirm that our developer teams review every request filed in this way, and take into account all such merchant feedback when considering updates to the platform in the future.
As above though, we're not able to give a timeline on or even confirm if a given change will be implemented in the platform.
The more requests we have on a topic, the more likely that will be considered; though there are technical considerations behind the scenes that will also play a part in the feasibility of a given feature request.
I cannot confirm when or if this will be introduced, but I can confirm that taking the time to file this request is the best thing you can do to make it happen one day.
Best of luck with everything!
Don | Social Care @ Shopify
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Shopify definitely needs to make the blog category URL editable at the very least. I agree with the other comments that this needs to be a priority. The blog URL's are terrible, and are keeping us from migrating our blogs to Shopify. Please make this issue a priority!
Thank you everyone for your feedback and rest assured that the feature request has been raised with our developers. We will share updates if and when they become available! In the meantime, as mentioned previously, please keep an eye on Shopify's Changelog for platform changes.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Another one for option to change this part of the URL structure. My client wants to refer to their blog as a 'zine'. Right now for a post titled 'introducing future now' I have /blogs/zine/introducing-future-now 😑 when I'm working so hard to build a custom feeling site this just feels cookie cutter and also redundant. Would love it to simply be /zine/introducing-future-now. I was surprised by this pretty opinionated blind spot.
Any update on this? URL structure is crucial for usability and SEO. It doesn't help users that a huge portion of the url is redundant /blogs/news/. It's a shame that important section of the URL is cut out in SERPs. Can you please check with your team what percentage of Shopify customers has multiple blogs? I am willing to bet any money - they are not a majority. I would be surprised if that is even 10%. Perhaps routing taxonomy should account for the most common case and have workarounds for those who need it, not the other way around?
Shopify commerce is so good but their SEO structure is so bad and not sure why they couldn't make a simple fix so their customers are ranking better. I m hoping this is going to get resolved soon.
Fun(ny) Fact: Shopify's own blog uses the much more common-sense url structure of (singular)
The thing is it is possible. I've encountered several shopify websites, whose /blogs/ have been renamed to journal, library you name it, and the categories which shopify calls "blogs" used as what they're categories. The issue is how can we accomplish that.
Shopify is ridiculous they cannot do anything about this issue!! Shame shame shame
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