How can i autoloop my product video's

How can i autoloop my product video's

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I would like to add videos to my site. Unfortunately, these only start playing when you press a play button, both on mobile and desktop. I would like my videos to have an autoplay function and an infinite loop so that my customers don’t need to press the play button.

I’ve tried several codes, but some don’t work, and others only work on desktop but don’t apply to mobile. I would also like to remove the menu that displays the mute and play buttons. Can someone help me with this problem? I am using the Dawn theme. 

Thanks a lot!


My site link: 

Reference link:


Scherm­afbeelding 2025-01-15 om 23.31.57.pngScherm­afbeelding 2025-01-15 om 23.32.42.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1097 58 112

For the mobile you actually need a bit of js code and a small edit to video tag to remove the video settings


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