How can I create a bullet-less product specification list?

How can I create a bullet-less product specification list?

315 0 33

Hello, im trying to make a collapsible product specification list:

Here is what it currently looks like

Schermafbeelding 2024-03-30 154234.png

But I want to remove the bullets from the list (*) and just have the list under each other. 

Schermafbeelding 2024-03-30 154605.png

But when I deselect the bullet list it looks like this:

Schermafbeelding 2024-03-30 154713.png

and I just want it to be like this:

🌈 Kleur van de lampkraal: 4020 Symphony RGB
💡 LED-hoeveelheid: 400 LEDs

📏 Drophoeveelheid: 20 stuks


Does anyone know how to do this and wants to help me with this 🙂

metafield in product looks like this:
Schermafbeelding 2024-03-30 154903.png

Replies 2 (2)

309 53 61

What's your store url ?

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Apply CSS display:block to each individual line.
That will mostly resolve the issue.
if not please share store link I will look into it.

Harsh Patel