How can I define default marketing channels for accurate sales attribution?

How can I define default marketing channels for accurate sales attribution?

1 0 1

Hello. I would like to define the marketing channel defaults to view sales attribution by the true channel vs the source/platform that is predefined in Shopify. Does this functionality exist? If so, where can I make those edits? 

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Hello @caitlineary 


1) go to Marketing Tab

2) see all the analytics are there.

4) online store session, when you were i point the arrow show all details

5) Online store conversion rate, same as above.


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Hi Caitlineary, 

This is Amee from Gojiberry - Shopify Survey & Feedback App

I don't think this is a direct answer, but I believe it is related. To get a more accurate idea about your marketing channel, I would suggest using a post-purchase marketing attribution survey and asking your customers directly where they come from.  You can reward your customers with coupons/points for answering the survey & to keep them coming back again. Once you find out your strongest marketing channel, focus more effort and money on that.


Hope this helps! 

Amee | Gojiberry Team 

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3 0 1

Just bumping this up as based on the failings of Shopify's categorisation, it's clear to me that we as store owners require the functionality to manually assign referrals and other session identifiers to Sources as we see fit. Shopify please make this happen!