Re: Strange website visitors on my account

How can I filter out unwanted traffic to my website?

New Member
9 0 0

Since two weeks ago, I get a lot of traffic from India and Pakistan from websites like glance and roposos and a lot of traffic of Youtube, which is weird. How can I filter on this, so I can only see traffic that from my target group (the Netherlands?)

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
193 18 34

Hi @Lisa_Schotman,


Thank you for being part of the Shopify community! To filter the traffic based on country, go to Analytics -> Reports -> Select "Sessions by location". You can also select "Sales by billing location" to see how many sales you had in one specific location.

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Thank you for your answer. It is only not about the sales, but about the visitors, visitors are coming from strange websites which makes it hard to make a clear calculation for my conversation.