How can I fix repeated content across different pages on my website?

How can I fix repeated content across different pages on my website?

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I have been building a website for my business and i am absolutely stumped on a problem i'm having. I made a few different pages for different services I am offering and for whatever reason each page I made the same stuff pops up on every page. I'm not very experienced with website building and I am hoping for help from the community. Thank you so much.


website issue 1.pngwebsite issue 2.pngwebsite issue 3.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
519 57 110

When you create a page with shopify, there is a setting on the right called "Theme Template" 

This should be set to default, and if you are on default and seeing this stuff, then you might have to dig through your template files and look for something like "page.liquid". Here you will see code that will be applied to all pages that have the default "theme template" selected. 

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