How can I improve my Visual Stability?

How can I improve my Visual Stability?

22 0 2


I have removed some animations from the home page to improve the visual stability. Is that a good step to take? How would you go about improving the visual stability of my store?


King Regards,
Ibrahim W

Replies 7 (7)
2 0 0

Removing animations is a good start, Ibrahim. You might also want to minimize large images and squishmallowshalloween optimize your site's loading speed for better visual stability.

Shopify Partner
1266 165 244

Hi @IbrahimWB I have noticed few things while scrolling in your website that I think you should improve.


  • Header: You have used transparent header which is not looking great and seems unprofessional when you scroll it down and the logo is overlapping with the content, below is the screenshot.


  • Icon on homepage: Icons on the homepage like free shipping and 100% money back gaurantee are too big for both the screens i.e. desktop and mobile, you can consider it to make small.
  • Product Images: Noticed that you are using round corner images but the box is still in square, so you should use round corner box, it can be accomplish with the help of CSS, or you should use square corner image so that there should be no extra odd white space.


this is how it will look if you just remove whit spaces and add some custom code.


  • Add to Cart and Buy Now Button: If you need 2 lines for button then the quantity option should be above so there should be a consistency in the theme and button, if you need 1 line then both the button should be in 1 line and Qty box is just above that just like in the below screenshot example.



  • Sticky Add To Cart button: Your add to cart button and currency convertor is overlapping on each other in desktop.



You should fix these points if you wanted to, so that your site will look Visually Stable.


If you will unable to implement the same then I'm happy to do this for you, let me know. I can implement the code changes so that this will work well for you.


Hopefully it will help you. If yes then Please don't forget hit Like and Mark it as solution!


Best Regards


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22 0 2

Hi Sahil,

Thanks for the analysis. I have made some major changes to the store. I do require some help regarding some things if you could help me out with the following:
1. Sticky Add to cart overlapping with currency convertor only on pc.
2. I have attached a screenshot, both pc and mobiel have some small space above the logo, i want it the video banner to cover it completely. Screenshot 2024-08-07 012836.png

3. I want the logo colour of pc like shown below but the logo colour of mobile be black. ideally some custom liquid code i can put in the header.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 002030.pngScreenshot 2024-08-07 001848.png

4. Round cornering all the buttons in the home page 

Its fine if you don't want to do all, i would appreciate any help.

Kind Regards,
Ibrahim W.

Shopify Partner
1266 165 244

Hi @IbrahimWB I would love to help you, I will need the access of your store to work on all the points you have mentioned. We can move this conversation from here to private message in shopify, or email, or whatsapp whichever is preferable to you.


Best Regards


- Your

 Coffee Tip 

can create magic in coding ❤️❤️

- Need a Shopify Developer? CHAT ON WHATSAPP or EMAIL ME !

- Hopefully the solution will help you. If yes then Please hit



 Mark it as solution! ❤️

22 0 2


Apologies for the delayed response, got caught up with life. I really appreciate your decision to help. I am ready to take you up on that.
I'll send you the collaborator code soon, I need to shift the website to another store first.

Kind Regards,
Ibrahim W.

22 0 2

I have texted you on you WhatsApp, mu number ends with 935.


3 0 0


I am facing the same problem with visual stability and store speed as i could improve these things? 


Moeez Rajput