Re: How to make your product grid static

How can I keep my product grid static despite varying product info?

New Member
6 0 0


I am struggling to find a solution that will allow my product grid to remain static or all products remain within the same ratio regardless of one product having a longer product title etc. I was able to get the images all to be the same ratio however now that I am using a Meta field to promote a discount, the products that have this description are displaying unevenly in the product grid. 


Is anyone able to assist please in ensuring the product grid is all the same ratio regardless of product information?

Replies 3 (3)
New Member
6 0 0 This is the collection that I am using the Meta Description field to display the discount but I intend on using it on most collections /products but just want to ensure the grid does not become unaligned like how it has

New Member
6 0 0


on 4) Add the following code just above tag body, I am unable to locate the tag body within theme.liquid. 


New Member
6 0 0


This did not work