Re: How to make a discount code private?

How can I make a discount code private for new customers?

10 0 1

I made a discount code and gave it to specific people who are not on my customer list, as part of a marketing campaign.

When I tested it, I saw that the code could only be available for everyone in the world to see, or for people already on my customer list.

Is there some hidden strategy to let new customers use this code?

If I select the option for everyone, then it shows to everyone who sees it, not just everyone who has the "secret discount code".

Otherwise, what is the point of calling it a discount code?




Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
525 38 139

Hi BottleTripWines,


It sounds like what you want is a discount code that can only be used for customers who placed exactly zero orders.


Is that accurate?

Founder, Regios Discounts app (4.8 stars, 81 reviews, Built for Shopify)
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10 0 1


Yes, that could be one way of seeing it.

Another way to look at it, is a code that can be used by anyone, but only if they have it.


Shopify Staff (Retired)
2045 227 408

Hi there, @BottleTripWines. Thanks for taking the time to reach out to the Shopify Community with your question around discounts!


Honestly, a discount code is exactly what you described - a discount only available to folks that have it. If you're trying to make it so only new customers have access to this discount code, then you'll need to let them know that if they become email subscribers, that they can receive a code. You have no way of providing a discount code to folks you don't have information for, so you need to create messaging somewhere in your store (like on your home page via an announcement bar) to let folks know that there's a discount code for new email subscribers.

If you login to your Shopify Admin, you can use the menu on the left-hand side to access your 'Marketing' section. From there, select 'automations'. What this does is generate a list of automated flows you can use for marketing. One of them is 'Welcome New Subscriber'. 


Select this, and you will be introduced to a marketing email flow that uses 'Shopify Email' to push out a 'Thank You' email that includes a discount code of your choosing! 



If you click 'use workflow' at the bottom of the window that appears, a page will load showing you the flow in more detail, along with the ability to edit the email that will be sent! If you edit the email, it will open the 'Shopify Email' app where you can adjust the template of the email, the contents of the email, and provide your code!

Let me know if you have any questions about this process!



Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify 
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10 0 1

Hi Imogen,

I really appreciate your time and elaboration on how do this based on the system that Shopify has setup, and it creates friction and could be limiting spontaneous sales opportunities.

Unfortunately, it sounds like there are some sales scenarios that this system is not allowing to happen.

For example- when you say "You have no way of providing a discount code to folks you don't have information for", but I should be able to. Its not like my only customers are people who randomly find me online and I will explain exactly why I want a discount code that I can give to people I do not have information for:


I market my business in person, on a daily basis with business cards and postcards. So, when I meet people who I think would be interested in my products, in person, I want to hand people a coupon or postcard with a discount code, so they can use the code to make a purchase when they are ready.  This is where I would not have someone's information I don't see why I have to ask someone to subscribe in order to make that happen, because I will get their email address if they make the purchase.


I have two more two scenarios in hopes that someone can see this and perhaps help make changes in the future.


 It is more important to me that someone be able to purchase a product immediately. I need to move product.

1) I want to offer a discount code to people who have not signed up, so they can instantly purchase and use the code. Because the purchase then puts them into my database. 

2) Some of my customers use different email addresses in their daily lives, and if they go to purchase one of my products with an email address that is not currently in the system, then it creates an interference to using the code I gave them. True story from the past week.


So with these examples, is there any workaround? Or if someone develops it, I hope it is mentioned in a reply for the Shopify community to see.

Thank you for your time,



Shopify Staff
2067 273 254

Hi @BottleTripWines,


Thanks for the prompt response. 


As I can completely understand the impact of this, I'd be happy to share this feedback with our Developers. We're always looking for ways to improve the platform and appreciate the feedback. For the time being, I'd recommend looking into hiring one of our Shopify Experts. These are trusted third-party agencies and freelancers that work to help build your shop. They may be able to share insight on how this can be achieved through customization. To learn more about this, you can check out this page.


Please let me know if you have any other questions. 

Blair | Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
184 16 19

@BottleTripWines , were you ever able to resolve this? Reading between the lines, it sounds like you want to create a unique code for each of your prospects so if the code ever leaks out, the damage is contained.


If my understanding is correct, I suggest setting this up using our app, Discount Bot by generating unique codes for each prospect under the same discount. Here's how you'd do it:


1. Create a code discount and give it a name (the name can be the name of the campaign. This is not the code you'll give your prospects)



Make sure you select "Limit number of times this discount can be used in total" before saving the discount:




2. You should now be able to generate unique codes for the campaign using the "Add bulk codes" option. You can either generate random codes or import codes you have already distributed to prospects:




You can manage the codes generated and also track which ones have been used:




Now because each user has a unique code and each code is set up to be used only once, there's no issue of the codes getting leaked. Because even when the codes are shared by some, they can be used only once, the buyer will see the error "This discount has reached its usage limit" on the checkout instead:





Hope this helps! If you have any questions please feel free to reply.




Founder, Discount Bot: Sitewide Sales
- Exclude hand-pick products/collections or on-sale items from discounts: Read the guide
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