All things Shopify and commerce
I'm a Shopify store owner, Shopify has for my purposes been a fantastic product. However, as soon as I decided to purchase something from someone else's Shopify store, I was sorely disappointed by a scam website.
After looking into the site, Strouz, I found that the store owner is operating more than one scam site ripping people off for counterfeit phone cases (Vorus Men, Strouz). In my case, after a product did finally arrive after a month, it's not the same product as advertised, and it wasn't even functional. It arrived unbranded, broken and unable to be used with multiple manufacturing defaults. After attempting to get my money back as per the stores "refund policy", they refused and offered me only a voucher to purchase another case and now will not communicate at all. Upon checking their Facebook, there are only complaints describing the same issues I've had, and they won't allow comments on their Instagram posts for obvious reasons. I tried posting comments on their FB page that were promptly deleted by Strouz.
Why is there no way for us to report scam stores like this?
This kind of store should not be allowed to still be live, scamming more people as is evident by the new reviews on their FB page. Inevitably this kind of deceit only brings down all of the legitimate Shopify operators. Is there some advice someone can give me to have these stores taken down? I don't want more people to have their money stolen and time wasted.
Unfortunately, there are many stores like this. Just wanted to share a store that sells fraudulent product because I wish I saw this on a forum. The site is who lures people in with fake Instragram contests to under the Username @Campingxx.
Products are nothing like what they appear. They delete all comments and posts where people speak on this and are riddled with fake profiles spamming positive comments about service. I did not receive a message for 3 months, and the product I received took that long to be received. By that time, I already called my credit card company are reported fraud. They are ordering from the cheapest warehouses in China and products are absolutely nothing like the products listed. That's why it took that long to receive a dollar store item. I reported this to my credit card company and hope this can help someone out.
I personally have gotten great customer service with outdoorshopx. I got product within a few weeks, got tracking, and even got a nice note saying “thank you for shopping with us” they take care of their customers and I will order more products in the future. They have way too many reviews on the instagram to be fake. They have over 200 reviews in 7 continents And they upload tracking. It seems like you didn’t know what you we’re getting because everyone seem to got what they ordered....
I'm also a store owner and wish there was a way to report fake stores. I keep seeing fashion sites pop up that steal images from other businesses and use them as their own. Who knows what they ship out.
Just doing a quick search for women's clothing, I found four copies of the exact same site. I'm just guessing by the content of their about us page, but they're stealing the same images from the same websites.
The beauty of Shopify is that it allows entrepreneurs to quickly and easily start up a website for their business. The dark side is that it allows fakes to do the same. Shopify, PLEASE create a place where business owners and shoppers can report these scam sites.
Just contributing to the cause...
There are also these pages, there is instagram (beautytecnology), whatsapp (+55 31 99834-9528) and gmail ( I was a victim and I reported them several times, until I realized it was phishing. On instagram (facebook too), I found people reporting that they paid and did not receive the products offered. They are integrated with shopify.
I was scammed as well. The
They took my money, sent generic response letters when I questioned them and wont return my money. It's been a month.. Shopify needs to dump or fine these scam companies and by the looks of these feeds their are ALOT of them.
I buy stuff online and because shopify isn't interested in removing scammers, I won't buy anything from someone using the platform which is a shame because there are many honest businesses using it.
The likes of jixby for instance . The use of a fake address raised warning signs for me and the phone number is obviously fake. Some gullible person won't check and will lose money.
Found this site on facebook, advertising a produkt so cheap it could only be, a cheap copy.. pay 199 save 520 dollars!! (dji mavrik mini fly more)
you can check for suspisious sites using
My site came up good, but actually lost some marks, just because it was a shoppify platform, so if this trend keeps on, with no way of reporting and getting rid of scam sites. Then I'll be going back to my wordpress or find a site which is trusted by cyberbunkers and google alike, and I think many serious webbusnisess will too.
Would be great to get a reply from shoppify on this subject! under you will se the link to what I belive to be a scam site... if you want to test your own just goto
I was scammed by Daounzi shop then whasbon shop now there name is EMARDA shop and Ibraton shop. Same store same Shopify scam scammers on Shopify platform that stole 830.00 from me and every time I reported them the copied link from my confirmation email sends me right to there new scam store I hate this stupid Shopify and shop app platform it’s a scam and Shopify gets paid for you to get scammed
@Jamesbtex , can you explain the steps in a bit more detail? Do you find the three bar box in
I also notice that duplicate sites pop up after you take the old one offline. It's like battling the Hydra!
I have tried to report a website back in Sept of last year when an order I placed in July just vanished ( I went back and forth with support. They were more interested in protecting the scammer than to help me get my money back.
Now, I am a victim of yet another scam site, ( I had stopped do any kind of business with anyone hosting with Shopify... I was given the platform another shot when I placed the order in May, bam... got suckered again.
Mean while, I am advising another friend who place an order through another shopify site to get his money back from his credit card company.
The platform is just a host for scammers... I would be one thing if they helped people get their funds back... but as they don't seem to care, I will never buy anything through them again.
Hi everyone,
I just wrapped up a long chat with Shopify Support and learned the following things:
I'm not sure how many chargebacks/reports are required to trigger a review by Shopify, but hopefully those points are a resource for shoppers and storeowners. Please report where you can and hopefully these stores get taken down!
Pb-cat, when I reported the 3 or 4 companies who were scamming through the platform, Shopify never once said that there was a formal process to report them. Even though the stores were still open and still taking live scans... even when I presented the invalid contact information on their shops, they did nothing... even when I presented them with invalid tracking numbers for items that were supposed to be in transit, they did nothing. Shopify's policy to protect their scammers has been proven time and time again. I now consider anyone using Shopify a scam PERIOD.
Why is Shopify not verifying the company registrations. If Shopify is facilitating these transactions then they are facilitating a crime.
I pay about 100-200€ to Shopify every month as they take 2% of commission. We who try to build some honest business there is lots of Spam shops out now from Shopify. Why do they should care when they get commission of all the scams as well. No verification process has not been made that business is legal and the owner as well.
Same thing happenned to me, I've been robbed by a Shopify website that's supposed to be hosted in France but it's in Canada.
A site that clearly claims to be located in France (French flags everywhere), supposed to have 7/7 Customer service through tchat and email.
The payment worked well but I never received my order and no responses to any contact request.
The site is:
I wish Shopify (as a leader in the industry) would do something about it, it's just umbelievable that anyone can create such a fraud site on such a big platform and there is almost nothing you can do about it.
But they get benefit from this even the scams are paying customers so of course they welcome the extra money. Same shit is at Facebook marketing. They not care the scam ads when they get the money.
I just ran into same issue.
This store Justincase LA is scamming people trying to sell phone cases.
SHOPIFY - How are you allowing these people to create merchant accounts with you guys.. I will trust no store hosted by you guys ever again.
I've created a petition that asks Shopify to take greater action on spam prevention. Please take a look here and share:
This link seems to do some reporting of scam sites.
Unfortunately, I recently had this happen, and when I tried to point this out to Shopify, including the abrupt lack of communication that started on the day I was "guaranteed" to get my order. I pointed out all kinds of red flags, including the fact that their "Contact Us" page was lifted directly from a pet food site (The products on this page were not related to pets in any way). Also, the website and the FB page were both about 3 weeks old, and despite supposedly being a US company, were curated from like Pakistan.
All Shopify would say is that I needed to wait 4 weeks after shipping. they ignored the fact that it had been "shipping" for 3 weeks at that point, and the company stopped responding to emails the day that my promised delivery came and went. Neither FB nor Shopify care at all about consumer safety, and they also have realized that they don't need to care about their brand, so neither one is going to do anything. And I'm sorry, but knowing how many Shopify sites are scams (A BBC investigation found about 21% were dangerous for consumers in one way or another), I can no longer use Shopify. I'd recommend another platform for your store.
Since Shopify seems to be more concerned with helping thieves out, when I started down this thread, I had showed them how the email address on their "contact us" was invalid. They refused to reach out to the merchant to let them know that the email address was wrong and that they had customers trying to reach them. Shopify support won't do anything after 4 weeks... they just lie and lie and lie. I have kept my emails and communications with this shameful company.
Now when I want to order something from a Shopify hosted company, I now contact them ahead of time. If no response, I don't order.
You might also want to report the company to Facebook since they have a page and ads.
None of these types of services I have found, have any easy to contact support options because that would mean hiring people a $$ to their business. Fraudsters are able to get away with this because there is hardly ever any background checks performed (again costing money). The most common response if you do get one is to refer you to a government website (who also won't help). This is why fraudsters are exploding, they know that the chances of getting caught are slim to none!!
I ordered a US Rechargeable electric tree branch trimmer for $70. Everything about the listing look legit including feedback. So what was delivered after waiting weeks??
A pair of $5 manual hand clippers and a Europe to US AC Adapter! It was almost like the fraudster wasn't content with just taking my money, they had to make a joke out of it and send me a pair of the cheapest cutters and a AC adapter that changed the wide round Europe plugs to the standard US two prong plugs.
I reported it to my credit card company and they refunded me the charge but ulimately they will raise their interest rates to customers to pay for all the rip offs there are out there now.
And the services offering platforms to these crooks are only interested in making money!
They won't follow up on it. Just as quickly as that fraudsters website was taken down, they just created a new name and opened up a new store listing with exactly the same products being offered! A larger, growing percentage of the population doesn't care about honesty and honor anymore! These days you have to be extremely careful with your purchases.
It's been 2 years since this was put up and I cannot find a way to report fraudulent companies. I was scammed by TWO DIFFERENT Shopify websites. How is this still happening? How can we report these websites?! I need help or I'm gonna have to stop shopping with ANY websites powered by Shopify if something cannot be done and just shop Amazon from now on since they actually help their people. I ordered three different orders and NONE of them showed up. Shopify should have some responsibility in this!
So, were you not able to do it from this website?
Is this topic still open? Because there is an other scam webshop: Says he delivers e-bikes, but he only takes peoples money and never delivers any of his products. The positive reviews on trustpilot are from fake accounts. And the people who tell the truth on Trustpilot he reports there reviews. The owner Tonny Verweij of this webshop is a known Dutch scammer, he has several webshops and companies before: (see trustpilot), Aquasub (see trustpilot), Stichting Qenzi etc. With all of these companies he rips off people. So hopefully Shopify will shut his new webshop urban vehicles Amsterdam down.
Update he is making a new webshop ass well:
That's it. Your last bit. I stay away if I see the store is thru Shopify because I don't know if I'm going to get ripped off. And there was a study done that found something like 40% of Shopify stores are scams because it's so easy to set up. You are more than welcome to forward my statement on to support, since this is affecting you , too.
I'm here to says that is a scam and doesn't deliver anymore.
I've made two orders which never arrives, send several e-mails with no answer.
A lot of french customers says they never receive the product, and have no answer from the reseller, on this page :
The real and serious kleaner company (in germany) says the person who made this website doesn't deliver anymore (death, prison, nobody knows) and give no answer.
Hi everyone!
Hope you're having a great day! I'm sorry for what happened to you.
Why is there no way for us to report scam stores like this?
There is a way to report shops like this to Shopify. You can do it here:
Have a great day everyone!
incorrect... yea you can report scams to Shopify.. but they are more worried about getting a commission than protecting customers, they are hiding behind privacy laws to protect Criminals..
The stupidest part is that Shopify won't allow you to report a fraud transaction for 30 days after the order. Who is waiting that long in this day & age? You know you've been scammed after a week, at most. Waiting 30 days just invites more victims. This is an egregious policy problem from Shopify.
The major downside of shopify is the fact that all these shops can just pop up. Never being able to get reported and taken down by shopify itself so spreading awareness is the best like for example this one shop wrldwidela sells shoes that are customized bapestas advertised as hello Starz. I ordered a pair for my girlfriend, to give to her as one of her Christmas gifts. Placed the order last year November 29, 2023. I shortly realized afterwards their shipping policy is 8-12 weeks. It is now March 4, 2024. 13 weeks after the order was placed and my order has not even been processed. Shopify suggestion on getting your money back is also just a hassle because ultimately it becomes the customer’s responsibility to deal with the bank and the seller still gets to keep the money for the service they never provided. I am simply sharing my experience to inform about the store I ran into and just agreeing with the lack of policies in place to counter any of this. Especially with means of using social media to gain popularity it is easy to just click onto websites and buy whatever you see. Please avoid that site I mentioned though they are useless in replying and scammers.
The most alarming thing here is that Shopify has NOT even bothered to reply here and provide their vision and plans in this regard. What does it tell you? They don't care about customers; they care to collect payments from these scam shops.
Not buying anything on Shopify stores anymore. Amazon has always been great protecting customers! Bye bye Shopify. is a fraudulent site and using our physical store address as contact info on their site, our business website is and we have received complaints from customers of the fraudulent site thinking it's us. I've reported it to shopify...hopefully that does something but based on this thread doesn't seem promising.
I also bought from a shopify registered dealer
When I finally received my order, after a month and a half, it's nothing like the picture. I was scammed out of thousands of rands. I would like for shopify to take this company down.
Hey, @Boss!
Thanks for joining this thread, and I'll do my best to share what next steps you can take.
Shopify is an ecommerce platform that many businesses use to create their online store. Shopify does not operate the business on behalf of merchants. We do not manage the day-to-day tasks, sales, orders etc. Should you have any order issues, the first steps are to try contacting the seller.
Should you not be able to reach the merchant, I strongly encourage you to contact your bank/payment provider. This is because most banks have built-in security measures to protect you as a buyer, and they will be able to provide you with the appropriate next steps. We have an article here at this link which will explain this in more detail.
I also recommend filling out our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) report here, If you believe a store is operating in violation of our AUP. When filling out this report select 'Issue with an order' from the drop-down menu.
Our team will take a look and proceed with an investigation if it is determined to be necessary. If an investigation is needed, for legal and privacy reasons we will not be able to share the results of any investigation with you.
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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Maz, this thread shows how painful it is to get scammed not once, not twice, but multiple times by the Shopify platform. It is so blatant the scamming on this site, that I consider your company a willing accomplice. You take your cut of the proceeds and let the customers fend for themselves. I still feel FOUR YEARS LATER, that your company should be taken down for the amount of abuse you turn your eyes to on it. My first story was because I reached out to your support and you guys did NOTHING to investigate my issues back then. Those sites stayed up for MONTHS after I was scammed and I had reported the issues. I am constantly getting email updates from people who find this thread because they have been wronged by another scammer your company enables with no recourse to resolve the situation.
Even the BBC found this site to be out of control:
Shopify stores riddled with fakes and fraudsters (
It's truly fascinating how you will sit there and take monthly payments from fraud sellers, yet throw up your hands and say 'it's not our responsibility!'. It's even more fascinating how you will take percentages of sales when sellers use your platform for fraudulent purposes, yet throw up your hands and say 'it's not our responsibility!'.
It's almost as if you have a negative incentive to protect the consumer. I would suggest revising your perspective before EU legislation gets their claws into you.
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