Re: Limit discount maximum dollar amount?


How can I set a maximum dollar amount for discount codes?

8 0 5

Hello - I routinely give out discount codes for things like 10% off storewide. I need a way to set a maximum dollar amount the discount can be used for (i.e. 10% off, up to $50). This is mainly used to bring in new customers to plan their first order but I do not want the ability for someone to take  10% off an order of thousands of dollars. 


Shopify doesn't have this ability and I haven't been able to find an app that does so. I would have thought this would be a somewhat common thing but I've given up looking. I am currently on the Supply theme.


PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you 🙂

Accepted Solutions (3)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
3076 300 548

This is an accepted solution.

Hello, @nuckbuc04.


Elias here from Shopify Support.


While Shopify currently does not have a way to set an order limit for discounts, there are some third-party apps that have this feature. I was able to find a few third-party apps with this feature, which allows you to set minimum or maximum limits for carts or products. These apps offer a free trial, feel free to check them out. If you require support with these apps, you can always reach out to the developers directly through the contact information found in the Support section of their app pages. 


  • Order Limits - Minimum/Maximum limits on your products, groups or entire cart.
  • OrderLogic - Simple min and max product and order limits plus much more.
  • MinCart - Easy minimum & maximum limits on your cart, products and more.


I can see how this would be a useful feature and I will be putting forth a feature request with our developers so that this can help us grow our discount features. 


Based on my understanding that you want to prevent new customers from using the 10% off their first order discount from a larger order (thousands of dollars in products), it looks like the third-party apps mentioned above can do this. However, there are other methods to consider as well. Our ‘Buy X Get Y’ discounts, available natively, allowing you to set up something like “buy 3 get 10%” or “buy 3 get 1 free” where the discounts are applied within a limit. Keep in mind that you can also set a limit of use per customer for each discount created on Shopify. Would this be something that you might consider?

Elias | Social Care @ Shopify 
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View solution in original post

3 1 13

This is an accepted solution.

is there any update on this feature.

Strange that such a basic feature is not available yet, specially considering so many threads highlight the need for it.

View solution in original post

2 1 6

This is an accepted solution.


A little wordy but follow me...


Website Code Setup

With Shopify follow the these steps: 

Shopify>Discounts>Create discount>Make Discount code>Set Percentage> choose each section rule


To Make Discount Caps                                

Shopify>Discounts>Switch to “Automatic discounts” tab>(No code for this one, just title)>FIXED AMOUNT>Set discount value> Check “Only apply discount once per order”>Set minimum purchase amount. 


By setting up a discount code AND an automatic discount you can; (for example) do a sale like this: “15% every purchase with a $150 max savings”. The code can be typed into any purchase except for order totals over $1000 wherein the $150 would be applied automatically. Neither discount will allow the customer to combine the discounts and the system will automatically kick out the code and do a set $150 when the order totals $1000 or more.



View solution in original post

Replies 105 (105)
16 0 10

Hi Elias,


Okay, not sure why the thread is marked as solved then? Surely it would add more urgency to the fix if the development team could see this is unresolved?



Shopify Staff (Retired)
3076 300 548

Hi, @Offdaze.


Thank you for following up!


The thread is marked as solved because a particular post provided someone with an acceptable solution. The accepted answer doesn't always come from a Shopify staff or myself, as answers provided by the other community members can also be marked as an accepted solution by another reader. While this thread started off with an initial question, there are subsequent questions in the following threads - each with answers that could be marked as an accepted solution. Nevertheless, this doesn't impact the urgency, as each feature request are manually submitted to the development team by the Shopify team. 


I hope this helps clarify your questions. Cheers!

Elias | Social Care @ Shopify 
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6 0 16
This is most definitely not solved, it’s not an acceptable response, you need to add max quantity and max dollars to your discount codes. Surely basic and standard woocommerce functionality. You should not palm this off on apps, it should be part of the standard build, and it’s pretty crazy it’s not, big flaw in the system.
7 0 3


Do we have update on this? When its getting rolled out from shopify. 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
3076 300 548

Hey, @Sul2022.


Thank you for joining the thread!


I'm afraid there aren't any updates on this feature request at the moment. However, I'd be more than happy to add you to this feature request, as this can help our development team prioritize the development of new features. If Shopify moves forward with any changes to the discount conditions or limiting discounts, then we'll be sure to announce them on the Shopify Changelog.


That being said, there is an accepted solution shared by @thepurseladies, which provides a workaround using a combination of discount codes and an automatic discount to limit the discount. Did you get a chance to try this workaround?

Elias | Social Care @ Shopify 
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4 0 0

Hi Elias, 

I hope Shopify aren't using this as an accepted solution. I want to be able to set different price limits for different discounts, the 'solution' above is appreciated but only works for one price limit and doesn't work for you if you have any other type of automatic discount

6 0 16
I agree, the solution is not a solution at all.
Also - you need to be able to limit by quantity which is impossible.
If I have a voucher which allows someone to book any product regardless of
price, I can't have a voucher which works.
Shopify Staff (Retired)
3076 300 548

Hi, @AntiAcneJosh & @golfpairs.


Thank you both for joining the thread.


The accepted solution was shared by a community member and I understand that this workaround may not be a suitable solution for everyone. However, as there aren't any other solutions/workarounds at this time, I'd be happy to add you both to this feature request as this can help our developers prioritize developing new features. If Shopify moves forward with any changes to the discounts or discount conditions, we'll be sure to announce them on the Shopify Changelog.


That being said, if implementing a quantity limit can help @golfpairs, then you can consider using a third-party app to limit the quantity of an item being purchased by the customers. Apps like Order Limits - MinMaxify or Order Limits (Min-Max) are great options for setting a minimum or maximum limit on the order, product, variant, and more. If you need any help with a third-party app, the app developer is always available to assist you - simply reach out to them directly through the contact information found in the Support section of their app's page.


If you have any other questions on this topic, don't hesitate to let me know!



Elias | Social Care @ Shopify 
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1 0 2

We are in 2023 and still this feature is not added. Such shame!

5 0 1

This is an absolutely garbage reply. How was this accepted as the answer is beyond us....

Shopify Partner
8 0 2

Hey isn't it time for another "we hear you" message from shopify?
For the fourth anniversary? :))

1 0 0

None of the above apps have USD discount limits which is what this post is about. Its been 4 years and Shopify is still figuring out how to do this or simply doesnt care to do it. 

2 0 1
My conclusion is that they simply do not care. This is a very basic feature and less complicated than most everything else on the platform, including newly rolled out features.
2 0 0

Looks like this update is pending from 2019. 

2 0 2

I wonder how many of us need to comment for Shopify to give a damn about implementing a rather basic feature. It is genuinely shocking that in +3 years this hasn't been implemented. SHOPIFY HAS A $79 BILLION MARKET CAP.

16 0 10

To everyone in this thread. I'm in discussions with a developer with whom I've made Shopify Apps with before. We are going to have a go at developing an app to solve this specific problem. It's clear Shopify have no intention to do it!


We will keep it basic, maximum discounts to a certain level. Rather than adding loads of bells and whistles that most apps do!


Will update on progress in this thread.

4 0 0

That's great - are you going to make this a free app? 

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

That is awesome news! Please let us know how you go or if there is anything we can help with!

16 0 10

We will certainly have a free option yes!


Also, we will need people to test so I'll likely update in this thread asking for Merchants who'd like to review it and help us get it right. I'm sure any testers will be able to get free access once it's released too 🙂

10 0 14

any solution for this as yet?

16 0 10



So to give everyone a bit of insight. We have been looking into developing this as an app solution. However, it looks as thought Shopify have not only overlooked this issue, they are aware of it and actively do not make it available. It is essentially a feature you can unlock on their pro-package of £2k p/m. 


The problem is, whilst Shopify allow us access to most areas of our own sites, it's extremely hard to influence the cart & checkout. We do still have options to get it done and I will update here once I have more information.

15 0 21

How is this unlocked in the Shopify Plus plan? Need to do some coding? It's not a standard option in any plan.

16 0 10

Hi Nilorak,


The Shopify Plus package starts from £2,000.00:


It is for enterprises and Shopify will essentially set it all up for you with any customisation you'd like, so they unlock this feature for you. If you can afford this option, awesome! Get in touch with their sales department.


Unfortunately this isn't an option on any usual Shopify Plan including with Code. As whilst custom code can do some great stuff, we can't influence the Checkout.

2 1 6

This is an accepted solution.


A little wordy but follow me...


Website Code Setup

With Shopify follow the these steps: 

Shopify>Discounts>Create discount>Make Discount code>Set Percentage> choose each section rule


To Make Discount Caps                                

Shopify>Discounts>Switch to “Automatic discounts” tab>(No code for this one, just title)>FIXED AMOUNT>Set discount value> Check “Only apply discount once per order”>Set minimum purchase amount. 


By setting up a discount code AND an automatic discount you can; (for example) do a sale like this: “15% every purchase with a $150 max savings”. The code can be typed into any purchase except for order totals over $1000 wherein the $150 would be applied automatically. Neither discount will allow the customer to combine the discounts and the system will automatically kick out the code and do a set $150 when the order totals $1000 or more.



1 0 0

doesn't work for me, it prioritises the discount code over the automatic discount.

2 1 6

I don't see a way to edit my post so I'll have to just the time I posted this it absolutely worked. Tested and used a few times with real sales. With whatever update Shopify made even this does not work anymore. I am frustrated that even my little jerry rigged solution is not longer viable and shopify has not added this feature. seems pretty basic but I can't find an app to clearly offer it either. 

2 0 1

This is confirmed as not working.  I happened across this thread searching for a solution because I have a real-world use case with actual sales, too, and as part of a promotion, the intent was to cap the allowable discount at $100.  However, I have no clue what to do at this point, and the laziness of Shopify rears its ugly head again.  Also, don't be fooled; the coding and implementation are not complex.  They already have a minimum established in the database that uses dollars, so adding a maximum would not be that difficult.  Indeed, it is not a 4-5 year endeavor.

13 0 5

It seems like Shopify does not care about its customers and merchants. 

3 0 0

But following this logic, you give EVERY customer who goes over that limit (in your example $1,000) a % off their order, regardless whether they entered a code or not. In other words, you might have received that high value order without any discounts, but now the automatic discount has cost you 15%. 

9 0 1

I feel that being able to limit the maximum amount of a percentage discount is absolutely necessary.  A store with both inexpensive and expensive products would not want to use a percentage discount when this could mean discounting a few dollars to a few hundred dollars.


Without limiting the customer's choice of products, a set amount discount does not work either when this could mean giving certain products away free, or a nice incentive discount on a more expensive product.


Please implement this improvement (maximum discount value) to the discount options soon!  The request I am replying to is now three years old.  Thank you.

16 0 10

Hey @Eggpar 


They won't ever add this feature in, not for the average Shopify users. Shopify have not only overlooked this issue, they are aware of it and actively do not make it available (as it is possible). It is essentially a feature you can unlock on their pro-package of £/$2,000.00 p/m.


The problem is, whilst Shopify allow us access to most areas of our own sites, it's extremely hard to influence the cart & checkout. I've looked into it in-depth with developers, it's also pretty much impossible to custom develop an app to do it 😞 for some reason Shopify don't want it on the checkout, and the only reason I can see is that it's a good addition for their highest (pro) package.


I have so many clients who ask for this feature, I just have to say to them now if this offer is a red-line we will have to go with Wordpress instead. This solution won't be available in the near future I'm sorry to say 😞

9 0 1

Paywalls abound!  Thanks for your reply!

4 1 0

So is there not even an APP that can help with this? I offer a percent off code to specific customers, but they have a spend limit for the year (ie. 60% off for the year with a $1000 limit)

4 0 15

Please do not mark this as "solved".  As others have said, the fact this feature isn't available natively is confusing.  How else are we supposed to keep wholesalers from placing bulk orders and using discounts on our sites?  The ONE app that creates a maximum order amount and triggers a pop-up alerting the consumer of the issue with their cart, does not have a discount cap.  

1 0 4

Absolutely disturbing this hasn't been fixed. I need to convert sales to get my store off the ground, but if one of my customers so chooses to buy thousands of dollars worth of product I'm screwed. And if I use the automatic code then that discount on a large sale is active for anyone and I'm once again losing money. Shopify is hiding it's features behind a paywall. How sad, 2023 and they brushed this off for years now.

Shopify Partner
8 0 2

This basic feature is not behind the paywall either 🙂

#Shopfy don't care

1 0 2

4-5 years later, still no such feature...

What is Shopify doing?

I'm about to shift to other ecommerce platforms.

2 0 3

Wow! This still needs to be done. I have expensive and inexpensive products and need to offer a code that has a maximum dollar value. Help!!!

Shopify Partner
8 0 2

so you can set a *maximum* dollar amount?

7 0 3
How this can be done? There is no option to do so !
Shopify Partner
8 0 1

First, you need to be in the Shopify Plus plan,

Then install 

Lets say you have a discount code "test55" and you need to give 15% discount capped to USD 10?




Trick here is to add 2 tier discount with 1st tier discount type percentage and 2nd tier as fixed amount.

You just have to do some calculation to get the 2nd tier level amount.


Hope this helps.

Shopify Partner
14 0 9

This is it ! This works as expected. and is FREE !


Shopify Partner
8 0 1

You are most welcome!!


Shopify Partner
86 10 13

@23carat , @edsuperhero , @Elias , @Momo1000 , @Nilorak , @nina91 , @Ratss , @TNTTim , @wdywzd , @Dominic22 

There is an app introduced that solves this question, but it requires a subscription to the Shopify Plus plan.


So I developed an app that solves this.

Some posts have suggested that Shopify should be the solution, not the app, but I hope this helps those who need it right now.




16 0 10

Hi Hirano,


So I can see the App does tiered discounts, but can you under one discount code say (for example) 20% off your order, with a maximum discount of £30? If it does, that that's this issue put to rest.

Shopify Partner
86 10 13

Hi Offdaze,


Yes, the app provide three types of discounts.

The link is for detailed instructions on how to use the app, but "Amount off order" provide the discount you are looking for.

Steppun Discount Tutorial


This can be done by creating a discount with settings like those in the image below.

スクリーンショット 2024-05-07 18.59.47.png



16 0 10

Hi Hirano,


Not looking for a Maximum purchase amount but an maximum discount amount. I know most people in this thread are looking for something like this:


We have a discount code like "Example123" which gives 20% off their order, but a maximum discount of £30. So if a user adds a product with the value of £100 they would get £20 (20%) off their order. But if a customer added a product with the value of £200 they would only get £30 off rather than £40 (20%) because the maximum discount value of £30 has been reached.


Does your app then allow that maximum discount to be retained, or does the discount not work for orders over the set amount?

Shopify Partner
86 10 13

Hi @Offdaze


My app does not work with discounts for orders over a set amount.
However, I can develop the discount you seek.


Do you need a minimum purchase requirement instead of a maximum purchase requirement?

Thanks for letting me know.

16 0 10

Hi @Hirano_00,


We wouldn't need a minimum purchase requirement (some people may want this). It's not anything to do with maximum/minimum purchases but how much of a discount customers to access. A lot of Shopify Stores have products ranging from the lower value (say £20) to high value (say £1,000) items and when we offer % discounts people can get way too much money off those high value items. So we want to be able to offer a discount that gives a decent amount off without massively eating into our profit margins on the higher value items. I think most people in this thread are looking for:


- All products discount

- Percentage discount: X%

- Maximum discount: £X.XX

Shopify Partner
86 10 13

Hi @Offdaze,


I can't thank you enough for your advice.

I realized that I had to implement this as a product discount, not an order discount.