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This seems to be an open topic for a few years so Im hoping that shopify (or someone) has created a solution to show different lead times to our products
there are some apps that have a warning notification which the customer needs to click (creates friction) and others that only show a different lead time in the product page but not in the check out (false expectation at check out)
neither of those creates a proper experience
Appreciate your tips or solutions
Thank you
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This is an accepted solution.
Use line item properties, make a custom image banner for checkout, etc to display a message, change the product-variant titles to reflect the times, change the variant image, setup custom shipping profiles or rate names, etc , etc etc.
Or research and find a shipping app, or shopify-functions app, or create your own app solution etc etc to expose some messaging somewhere during the locked-down checkout process.
Or be on shopify plus with still access to editing the sunsetting checkout.liquid template.
@EC2021 wrote:I'm astounded Shopify still hasn't gotten a clue about this and made an appropriate solution.
Shopify cannot be all things to all merchants, there's a million stores with a billion different needs and everyone thinks their business requirement is entitled to be the obvious priority.
Make a formal feature request directly to a shopify support advisor, and convince other merchants with exact same issue to do the same.
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I think a good approach would be to share what you'd like to be the best solution, and 2nd best solution.
Then we can try to create a solution for you.
This is a niche use-case, so explaining what you'd like exactly for your store will open up possibilities for a developer to solve your problem.
Thank you Joe
The most practical solution would be to have the ability to select an order processing lead time for each product or collection within shopify... and that this order processing lead time is shown throughout the checkout process
Right now, customers only see the estimated shipping time. In the new solution, it should show processing + shipping time
This is hardly a niche use case. The vast majority of merchants have multiple sources for their products and we will all benefit from creating a good experience for our customers
Please let me know if the above makes sense and if you need more info
Thank you again
This is exactly what I'm looking for!
With supply lines being what they are right now we have certain products that have lead times of 6-8 weeks based on when we can even get materials. Other products are 2-4 weeks, 1-2 weeks etc. Being able to have this information displayed in every place the customer touches would be ideal. On the product page, under each order in the cart, confirmations, etc. An overarching shipping policy just doesn't cut it and I can't find an app that does this (I found a pop-up warning one but otherwise it's all shipping.) Is there anything like this out there that I'm missing?
Did anyone ever come back to you with a solution for this.
I would also welcome and option for a lead time where you select a number then maybe days, weeks etc.
Can any Shopify Experts/Developers help please?
Same issue. Lead times (processing) by product or collection. Even if it's only on the product page and not in cart/checkout. Supply chain is unpredictable. Being able to change lead time to reflect what we expect is the least we can do for customers. Although some customers are understanding and aware of the state of affairs, most are not. They make plans based on when products arrives. When their plans are foiled they blame us.
.: pl
You could use product metafields to save your lead time, then show that anywhere on your site.
Here's how I would do that:
1) Download a metafields app if you don't have 1 yet (there are a lot just search for "metafields" in the app store, this is one I've used before).
2) Now you can add extra data fields to your products in the product page via metafield. Add a metafield called something like lead time, and set the value what you want to show to the user (example: 1 week). If you're not familiar with metafields, this guide will help, in short you would add a namespace + key + value (example: lead / time / "1 week").
3) Now add your code in your theme where you want it to show.
Example code block to show metafields:
<p>Lead time: {{ product.metafields.lead.time.value }}</p>
You might want to set a default fallback, you could do something like this:
{% if product.metafields.lead.time == true %}
<p>Lead time: {{ product.metafields.lead.time.value }}</p>
{% else %}
<p>Lead time: 1 day (or whatever you want your default to be</p>
{% endif %}
Or if you don't want to deal with metafields, just add code and use something like product tags, for example:
{% if product.tags contains "1 week lead" %}
<p>Lead time: 1 week</p>
{% elsif product.tags contains "2 weeks lead" %}
<p>Lead time: 2 weeks</p>
{% endif %}
If you're not familiar with editing theme code, read this first for safe editing + tips to find what to edit:
This is hardly a niche use case
Yes it a niche no single silver bullet exists here for managing time itself.
The specific workflow each business needs to manage that information is wildly different with "multiple sources for their products" being a force multiplier then with even more complication in how each business needs to present that data to customers , lists, checkboxes, multichannel,etc. And then join ALL OF THAT with shipping estimates or other business rules. That is Niche.
It's a process that has to be tailor made for each online business on shopify from existing platform features.
Product Titles/Content, Variant Options, Transfers(next_incoming_date), Metafield Definitions, Line item properties , Collections , Other(product images,skus,barcodes). Or as @JoesIdeas outlined Metafields or Tags.
For a single variant product the fastest way is to put the lead time in the product title, don't change the SEO handle. For themes that hide invalid variant option combinations with multiple variants having less than 2 options put the lead time into a new variant-option itself so the variants title contains the dates. Remembering the 100 variant limit.
For multichannel presentation of lead time Titles or Content(Descriptions,Images,Vendor) is the only way, and it is the most persistent method that automatically works in themes, notifications, channels, etc.
If using the transfers system use variant.next_incoming_date
Which can be adding minutes for single-variant products using a custom-liquid block in OS2.0 themes:
{{ variant.next_incoming_date }}
Products with multiple-variants will need javascript customized as well in most themes. Or just show all variants incoming dates in a table/list with a forloop.
Native metafield definitions(mfdfs) is the new hotness for stuff like this for online sales channel stores.
Where once created and selected in OS2.0 themes they can be added in moments to product templates.
Though metafields apps like @JoesIdeas recommends, or spreadsheet apps, can provide conveniences for specific workflows.
(note that if you create a mfdf to hold a list you cannot edit items in the list later in admin /shrug)
To have it during checkout per item/variant use line item properties on those products in tandem with the method use to store that data.
Theme and Notification templates may need to be customized to display that info as needed.
Manual Collections can be good for categorical lead times, i.e. 1 week or 1 month etc, to help customers shop by expedience or patience.
Templates in theme and Notification may need to be customized to display the correct collection info.
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Hi @PaulNewton
Since my original post, I've reached out to the Shopify team a few times and have been told that the new Shopify 2.0 platform will have a simple solution that would allow us to determine the lead time by product type, collection, supplier, stocking location, etc.
As seen in the replies of this post (and other similar posts in the discussions community) this is no niche case and we all need it
Can you please let us know if in fact Shopify 2.0 has this functionality and if so when we can make use of it (happy to be a beta tester)
Thank you
Is there any movement on this, or documentation within Shopify 2.0 that identifies how to set this up? While it has been identified as a "niche case", it is actually extremely broadly used outside of the Shopify world. By not including this type of feature Shopify is really only accounting for smaller retailers with stock on hand, not large businesses which produce their own goods. As Shopify has expanded to include much larger and more complex brands, they really need to extend their feature sets to accommodate them. The only two solutions I've found or woefully inadequate. The first is simply updating verbiage on the product page so that the user can see a lead time for the product. However, if you have customers you will realize the most import factor of your customer base - they don't read 😉 . The second is to use the blanket Processing Time option in the Shipping and Delivery, however this also won't work for most businesses. Some products may take 1 day to produce, others a week. It really depends on the business. Plus, the Processing time option in the Shipping and Delivery admin only provides 3 options, the longest of which is 2 days.
There are really only two ways this could be done properly, either add a lead time to the product, or add a lead time to the shipping option. In both cases it really should be added by Shopify and not require some adhoc solution.
I have been searching for the solution to this exact problem. I offer many handmade custom items that are made to order. Some have a 2 day turnaround time, some have a 4 week creation time. I find it incredible that a platform as big as Shopify doesn't have a solution to this simple need: the ability to properly manage product lead times.
So I'm setting up my store now and looking at the LAST STEP and here it is 2 years after this post - and it only gives me the option of "Same Day", "Next Business day" and "2 Business days".
Other than some workarounds using embedded code I'm also incredulous that a platform as big as this doesn't let you set your processing times. Holy moly! I'm been selling on Amazon since 2006 - they let you set what ever time you want. Etsy since 2016. Same. But 2 days at the most? I also make custom products and I think we are pretty darned fast - 5-10 business days. Why can't I set that up? I could try to put a message everywhere I can and all throughout the checkout process but I 100% guarantee this -- PEOPLE WILL NOT SEE IT! People will be contacting me in 3 days saying, "WHERE IS MY ORDER!" People will be leaving bad reviews because "WE DIDN'T PROCESS THE ORDER IN TIME" or because "MY CUSTOM ORDER IS LATE AND NOW I WANT A FULL REFUND". And here's the deal. If they are given any reason like - it shows 2 day processing at checkout then guess what? They will be demanding their money back and in my experience, they will probably get it.
Doesn't any platform understand that customized products take time to make? Seriously. Most people get it.
Hi @JoesIdeas and @PaulNewton
Its been over 2 years since I brought this issue and there is no good solution to be found anywhere
As you can see from the responses above, this is a basic need for all creators/fabricators/distributors... - far from a niche case - some products can ship the same day, some take a few days, some take a few weeks, etc for various reasons... and we need to set that expectation with our customers in order to deliver the best experience
Im sure there are ways to code this and even make it quite sophisticated, but for us non-coders, we just need something simple (native ideally) that we can use
Could you please look for a way to prioritize this with Shopify's development team?
This will definitely be a home run for all retailers
Thank you
Hi all.
Does anyone know of any modules/apps that cater for this functionality?
I am in need of this for a homeware business which has different lead times per product.
Thanks all!
I will add to this. I am a maker with custom metal signs and our lead-time is 1-2 weeks. The standard "processing time" from Shopify is 2 days (max) is a joke for "makers". We need more time allotted for this and it should be customizable per product.
I have been very happy with Shopify so far but the things that I am not happy with are the nuances that do not cater to the shops that are actually creating their products or even having someone else create their products.
Did anyone find an app or get a decent response from shopify? A tailored lead time and corresponding email confirmations confirming same at purchase would be ideal.
Unfortunately, no.
This was changed in july of 2023 to set custom processing times
Not to confused with transit times
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This doesn't solve the problem that everyone is asking for. Shops need to be able to set a custom processing time by product or collection, not set a blanket processing time for everything on the shop. We too have some pieces that we stock, others are by artists that are made to order and have a 4-6 week (or sometimes more) lead time before shipping. There has to be a way to set it up so that when ordering customers can see this in the expected delivery time.
Did you get any workable solution. I really do t think that this is a niche request!
How are you indicating these at the check out level? We have metafields that indicate if a product has a lead time, like Joesideas and @PaulNewton suggested, but as we all know, people do not READ. We always reach out after the order to notify the customer if there is a lead time, sometimes they move forward but sometimes they request to cancel. If they were able to see in the checkout page that there is a manufacturing time before shipping, they would have this information before placing the order to make an informed decision. I'm astounded Shopify still hasn't gotten a clue about this and made an appropriate solution.
This is an accepted solution.
Use line item properties, make a custom image banner for checkout, etc to display a message, change the product-variant titles to reflect the times, change the variant image, setup custom shipping profiles or rate names, etc , etc etc.
Or research and find a shipping app, or shopify-functions app, or create your own app solution etc etc to expose some messaging somewhere during the locked-down checkout process.
Or be on shopify plus with still access to editing the sunsetting checkout.liquid template.
@EC2021 wrote:I'm astounded Shopify still hasn't gotten a clue about this and made an appropriate solution.
Shopify cannot be all things to all merchants, there's a million stores with a billion different needs and everyone thinks their business requirement is entitled to be the obvious priority.
Make a formal feature request directly to a shopify support advisor, and convince other merchants with exact same issue to do the same.
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Still no solution for this?
I get what you mean—clear lead times are crucial. Maybe something like Automated Email Solutions for Freight & Logistics could help by keeping customers updated post-checkout.
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