How can we efficiently merge multiple orders into one?

How can we efficiently merge multiple orders into one?

8 0 4

There should be a way to merge multiple orders into one. This is especially needed now that Shopify offers its own shipping. It's very common for customers to check out more than once and request to combine their orders to save on postage. There is currently no way to do this, so we typically just make a note on our end, manually "fulfill" one of their orders and "refund" them the extra shipping costs.

It would be nice if this feature was built in. There is only one app in the App Store that lets you merge orders, but it's poorly designed and does not work reliably at all.

Replies 8 (8)

Not applicable

Hi @Chris87 ,


Are you currently using that app or did you go back to your manual process?


Also what's the app name so we can all go check it out.





8 0 4

We're currently using the app. Here is the link:

2 0 4

On a sales platform to not have a merge order option... is craziness. 

this is an option that you don't realize how much you need until you are vey deep into the process of launching a site. 

to get this deep into a site and then they hit you up for another $49.00 a month!!  just to merge orders.

very disappointing,  I was complimenting the site up until this deficiency came up.



Not applicable

Careful there is no actual merge for orders. The app would be creating a new order. I’ve checked reviews for such apps and the major complaint is duplicate orders.

Shopify Partner
24 0 7

Hello there

We have developed an app called Mergify. It helps you to merge orders manually, get merging suggestions, or automatically merge orders based on the rules that you define.
Mergify makes a new order or draft order with items of the selected customer orders and refunds extra shipping costs. You can manage original orders by archiving or canceling them or adding tags and notes to them. The new order will have a zero value, so no new income is added to your store analytics. Also, products inventory levels don't change.
Of course, this app can not work as clean as a Shopify native solution, but we are really working on it, and we really appreciate your comments and suggestions.

8 0 18

It sounds like something that people can do manually too.

I read a negative review about items getting restocked. My question is, is there a way to have the orders merge without the items being restocked? it does not make sense if they get restock since does items already sold.

Shopify Partner
24 0 7

Hi @JGT,
Mergify merges orders into new combined orders without restocking items. It doesn't change the inventory amounts at all. You just have a combined order containing all items that can be used for fulfillment.
We have also updated the app such that there is no need to apply a 100% discount to the combined order. Mergify creates combined orders as test orders that are exactly like normal orders, except that they don't affect store analytics. It makes them perfect for creating merged orders.
Mergify automatically detects orders having the same customer and shipping address and even automatically merges them. Right now, hundreds of stores are using Mergify to save extra shipping costs. For example, one of our clients which is a Shopify Plus store has had more than 1500 merges in the last 4 months which has saved them approximately $16000!
Please give it a try, and we're available if you have any questions!

1 0 0

i cant get it to work and have tried the help chat several times