Re: How do I respond to comments on blog posts

How do I respond to comments on blog posts

42 0 143

Hi, I searched and found an answer to my question from 2010. I am wondering if things have been updated? I would like to respond directly to comments (similar to how it works on FB or IG)  and not have to add them as a visitor does. Is this possible?

Thank you for your help!


Replies 170 (170)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @pjmmpls


Rae from Shopify here. Thank you for reaching out with this question! 


At this time, the best way to reply to blog comments is to go directly onto your site from your URL and visit your blog as if you were a customer, or a visitor, like you mentioned. Then, just reply to the comment there by using the field directly below the comment to enter in your information and type your reply. 


The option to reply to blog comments without visiting the customer facing side of a website is something that has been requested previously by our merchants, so I'm going to let our teams know that you also inquired about this process. If we do update this, we will share these changes on our Announcements page and also on our changelog, so please make sure to check these pages periodically to stay up to date with any improvements and updates that we release. Hopefully our teams can work towards offering some new methods to handle these replies to make blog management easier for our users in the future.


In the meantime though, if you're looking for an alternative way to reply to blog comments, I recommend checking out some commenting apps like the ones listed here. An app like Facebook Comments can be used to import blog posts to your site from Facebook, with the added ability to enable and disable comments on these posts. If you're interested in learning more about how this apps works, it's a great idea to reach out to the app developer directly so that they can provide more information and assistance. 


Let me know if there is anything else I can lend a hand with and I'll be glad to help out further! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 16

I am having the same problem. Many of the apps listed require a paid membership to their app for the response feature. This is very disappointing. I didn't realize switching my blog to this platform would be such a bad idea 😞 . Perfect to market products, but not so good for blogging.

42 0 143
seriously, I assumed that was a no brainer. I do not want to pay an
additional fee to respond. Definitely disappointing. Part of having a blog
is the ability to start a conversation with the readers. ugh
Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @ZURRI and @pjmmpls


Thanks for sharing your feedback on this, @ZURRI. I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you're having with replying to blog comments, and I understand your frustration with the apps requiring a paid membership. I will pass on your thoughts to our developers so they know how this is impacting your business. 


I appreciate your additional feedback on this, @pjmmpls. I've shared these details with our teams as well. 


If there are any other Community members who are also looking to have a feature like this on our blogs, please feel free to reply to me here with your URL and I will share your feedback with our developers. 



To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 21

I would like to be able to reply to comments as well. I had no idea this would be an issue when making the decision to use Shopify. Please send this request to development team. I'm going to turn off comments because it doesn't make sense to have them if you can't reply. 

5 0 30

Hi!  Our URL is  We need a way to reply to comments on blogs as excellent customer service is a cornerstone of our brand.  I'd rather not redo our whole blog platform. Please get this implemented ASAP. 

11 0 53

Hello Rae,

Please prioritise this (simple) feature. I'm sure you can imagine that replying to customer comments is a very essential part of modern social marketing. Woocommerce, Prestashop have it.

Best regards


42 0 143

I am checking back in on this issue. It has been over 4 months since I have requested a reply option. I am wondering if you can give us an update. It seems to me the purpose of a comment section is to interact with your customers. I am very disappointed. Thank you for your attention to this problem.

18 2 17

We would also like this feature to be able to reply,  we went from wordpress to shopify thinking this basic feature would be available.  It should be. 

42 0 143

I am wondering if the Shopify folks are no longer reading this because I accidentally hit resolved which I can not reverse? Could someone please respond to us and let us know the status of this situation. It is such a vital part of a blog! thank you

3 0 5

Still not remedied in 2024!

Norton's Cove Studio Inc.
9 0 50

Hi @Rae just raising my hand to say I would also love this to be added. This seems like something that should be an obvious feature for a blog page. I should be able to reply or tag people just like I am doing here with you. mine is

1 0 1

Hi Kate, you have a gorgeous site! Great inspiration for me 🙂 Are you using Minimal? I'm currently redesigning my site using the free Minimal theme.

6 0 14

Is this in the works of getting solved?  We have roughly 15-20 comments per blog post (1,600 views) and it looks like we don't care to respond back.  This can't be a difficult feature to add.  



5 0 1

how do i ask a question?

3 0 9

@Rae, I'm dealing with this issue too. Our customers ask questions about products/shipping and other ecommerce related questions that we'd like to be able to answer publicly. We lost a lot of blog features when we migrated to Shopify, which was fine for the most part, but comments are definitely one we need to have our store function well. Thanks for passing on to  your developers. We'll stay tuned!

16 0 18

I would also love to have this functionality and even some kind of alert to know when somebody make a comment to one of my blog posts. I like Shopify, but It's a shame Shopify seems not to be trying to solve this issue...the workaround fix is unconvenient, 2020 deserves a full featured fix. Isn't shopify the greatest e-commerce platform out there?, well, your clients deserve a fix for this (a simple job task for the great shopify's team of coders). Thanks. my website url:

5 0 16

I also need this feature and am very surprised & disappointed that Shopify has not added it. Please resolve. Thanks!

3 0 21

Yeah, can we go ahead and get this feature? 

Specifically, we should be able to directly reply to a comment and start a comment "thread" below the original comment. This allows a true conversation to happen. As others have said, the workaround of commenting through the front-facing site isn't viable because it makes a totally new comment.

Another crucial part of having an active comment section would be notifications. The store admins should get a notification when a new comment is posted and the user should get a notification when their comment is replied to. If there are no notifications a two-way conversation won't happen because people will be unlikely to check back to see if anyone replied. 

While we're spec-ing this out. An upvote/downvote or thumbs up/thumbs down feature would encourage people to be productive community members and not simply spam. has a very simple setup that works well and encourages engagement:

We're putting a lot of energy into good blog content and we'd love the support from Shopify in making it worthwhile. 


2 0 8

It is imperative that we be able to respond to a reader's comments. The idea that we have to go to the original post, leave a comment, then go back to the office and approve that comment is just not practical at all.

I'm very disappointed in the framework for the blog overall. There is no index search. It desperately needs some work.

Shopify Partner
4 0 5

Yes, been looking at this too. Surely you have it by now done( at least sceduled) ? This is  a very important feature thinking of todays needs and wishes of clientele;)

3 0 6

Yes I strongly agree with the need for the ability to reply in a thread. I moved over from my Wordpress blog on the understanding that it was better to have a blog on the same platform as Shopify. But now I can't engage in a conversation with my readers on my posts. I want to build relationships with my customers. And I want to improve my search ranking. I put a lot of time and energy into my blog posts and I'm losing out on return, because I can't engage with comments properly.

3 0 21

@Rae Do you have an update on where this is in the dev pipeline? Please don't give a vague answer stating that the request has been passed along. Provide some detail and a timeline if you can. We need to know in order to make decisions on how to move forward. 


Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @livsndesigns

Thanks for inquiring about this. I understand how this is impacting your business, and your plans to move forward. 

We don't have a current timeline that outlines when, or if, this request will be looked into further by our Development team. However, if we have any updates to share on this in the future, we'll share these on our changelog, as well as our Announcements page, so I recommend checking out these pages periodically for more details. 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 8

@Rae wrote:

Hi, @livsndesigns

Thanks for inquiring about this. I understand how this is impacting your business, and your plans to move forward. 

We don't have a current timeline that outlines when, or if, this request will be looked into further by our Development team. However, if we have any updates to share on this in the future, we'll share these on our changelog, as well as our Announcements page, so I recommend checking out these pages periodically for more details. 


The comment below is what we need. Also, we pay the highest possible price with shopify compared to anywhere else but dont even get a basic feature such as replying to a comment...

" Specifically, we should be able to directly reply to a comment and start a comment "thread" below the original comment. This allows a true conversation to happen. As others have said, the workaround of commenting through the front-facing site isn't viable because it makes a totally new comment.

Another crucial part of having an active comment section would be notifications. The store admins should get a notification when a new comment is posted and the user should get a notification when their comment is replied to.  "

The craziest thing is directly under this exact post button, there is a box to click with "email me when someone replies" well if thats not a punch to the face... 

42 0 143

Wow! this statement from another user is so obvious, how did I not notice this before? And it makes me even more frustrated as a consumer.

The craziest thing is directly under this exact post button, there is a box to click with "email me when someone replies" well if thats not a punch to the face... 

@Rae could you please respond to why on your Shopify page we can directly reply (the exact option we want for our blog post) but you can't give that option to us? 

anxiously awaiting the answer!

Pam at Laughing Ogre Press

1 0 0

@Rae Echoing what the Shopify community is saying here... 


Responding to comments is a basic function required for a successful blog. We are requesting this feature for our Shopify site

42 0 143

@frankieZing I am beginning to give up hope. I have posted here, talked to a person in November, and emailed. Clearly, they could care less. I don't know the underlying reason for not giving us this feature, aside from collecting more money on an app purchase?

3 0 6

Having worked on a big corporate website for many years, I would say it's because the number of features people want (and even badly need) are actually exponential. There is always more required. Also, the bigger a site gets, the more complex it is to make changes. Imagine how many millions of shops there are that depend on reliable functionality. Web development is not as magic as it seems, it's a hard slog. eBay made a lot of changes recently and it 'broke' so many people's product listings. But hopefully this comments feature will come to Shopify eventually!

1 0 4

Having replies would be so helpful! Anyway, this is under works and will be rolled out soon?

1 0 3

I would like this feature.

11 0 5

Hey Shopify! I am dying for this feature. We are getting more and more comments on our blogs and I really want to notify a customer when I respond. This seems huge for SEO and engagement, and is something we wish we didn't have to use an app for. I'm still looking for the right one. Please pass our feedback along, this is the #1 update I want to see! Thanks so much! 

PS - I think my shop is under

1 0 2

Hello, i am also having this problem, my readers are asking questions and i cannot reply directly to them. This is very frustrating, if i reply as a customer visiting the website, the customer I am replying to will not be aware I am replying to them. there is no feature that says reply right below the comment. 





42 0 143

@Rae Well it has been WAY over one year and we have seen nothing change. We are still unable to communicate with our customers in the same way we can communicate with you now. The big difference I see is that we want to solve problems, answer questions, and deliver the highest quality service we can for our clients and customers. I do not understand why this issue of not being able to respond to blog comments has been brushed to the back. 

So the big question is, why is responding to comments a no-brainer here on this platform but you will not add it to our blogs? 

Frustrated, Pam

3 0 21

@Rae Can y'all go ahead and get this put on the development calendar? It's such a basic feature of commenting. Actually, I would argue that comment functionality isn't even complete without it. Take one junior employee and task her with this job for one day. 

4 0 7

this continues to be a major point of failure for Shopify store owners


3 0 9
Agreed. We have comments turned off, because there isn't an adequate way of
responding, but a lot of our core customers would prefer to engage with us
on our blog instead of social media or email. I haven't found an app that
can do this basic feature either.
17 0 24
I think Shopify has made it clear that they don't care about this and will not address it.
1 0 6

I’ve had the same problem - so frustrating! The point of a blog is to start a conversation -

please fix it.

Joe from

1 0 2

Hi, I'd also like to respond to blog comments.

In the meantime, if I write a comment will everyone that has written a comment receive a notification? So they can be prompted to look at my reply?



Shopify Partner
21 0 1

Hi Melissa,

My understanding is that currently there is no notification system for blog comments that will email all previous commenters. (unlike this forum, which does have one). For Shopify blogs, replying to comments requires an app.

Apps like Sunny will notify the original commenter when you respond, but not other commenters.  Disqus is another app for comments that may have more features.

I hope that helps,


(Sunny is here: Disclosure; I built this 🙂 ).


32 0 12

Yet another functionality that Shopify doesnt care to give us. So basic yet, nothing...

127 1 31

Same problem here - can't answer to comments on my Shopify blog. Very frustrating.

2 0 2
I use an app called "Sunny" now. It works like a charm!
42 0 143

I caved in and use that too now. However, I am annoyed I have to buy yet another app.

3 0 4

We also need this feature. It's very disappointing that shopify has that bad blog comments.

30 0 65

Give us the right to respond to our customer's questions on our blogs, please. 

127 1 31

Yes! Give us the right to respond to our customer's questions on our blogs, please.

30 0 65

We are still waiting for Shopify to add the ability for shop owners to respond to their customer questions posted their store blog.